- XF Compatibility
- 2.2.x
- Short Description
- Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessContent Ratings for XF2.1 2.4.2 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 212.8 KB File size. From Content Ratings for XF2.1 have 10 Description Attachments, 4 discussion, 4 Updates, 367 Views.

inspired by the XF1 add-on "Post Ratings", and the prevalence of "Reactions" as an alternative to the single dimensional Likes.
Post Installing
This add-on will require configuration, only a default "Like" is added after installing.
- Tools => Import Data => Import from XF1 Post Ratings
- Content => Content Rating => Rating Types => Add Default Rating Types
- This adds "Facebook Style" ratings of;
- Like 👍
- Love 😍
- Haha 😆
- Wow 😱
- Sad ?
- Angry 😡
- This adds "Facebook Style" ratings of;
- Content => Content Rating => Rating Types =>Add New Rating Type.
It is strongly recommended to use the CLI installer/uninstaller.
- XF1 "Post Ratings" importer
- Whitelist/blacklist ratings by user group, lock to starting poster, and limit to forums (for threads)
- Content Ratings/Reactions on Posts and Conversations.
- Integrates with alerts & news feed where applicable.
- Rating Types;
- Support flexible image icon selection;
- Emoji
- Sprite Images
- Images (with high definition alternative image)
- css fonts
- Templates (for inline SVG)
- A Rating type can be usable or visible;
- Visible & usable - everyone can use and see
- Not visible & usable - only the person giving the rating can see their own rating, allowing a "private rating".
- Visible & not usable - everyone can see, not may not use it.
- Not Visible & not usable, - no one may see or use it.
- Support flexible image icon selection;
- Supported Content types:
- Posts
- Conversation Messages
- Profile Posts
- Profile Post Comments
- Rating Categories
- For example; positive/negative/neutral categories
- If a category shows on the profile/memberbit/postbit & how stats are presented.
- Statistics integration
- User Criteria integration
- Selectable "default rating" to display as the menu icon, can be Random, or None.
- Large number of style properties to customize look and feel.
- Horizontal rating selection
- Touch support
- Display highest ratings on thread rating list (disabled by default)
- Global option to enable/disable
- Style property options to customize
- Rating Categories automatic actions when a category hits some threshold ;
- Report content
- Moderate content
- Soft-delete content
- Allow arbitrary number of rating type/rating type category user criteria
- Designed for performance, only minimal data is fetched when interacting with the rating system
- Overrides XF2's rebuild behaviour to instead be incremental rather than count all ratings on a piece of content.
- As MySQL's InnoDB table structure does not feature prefix compression, a content type/id pair is very inefficient space-wise.
- Uses per-content tables which are dynamically managed to store count totals, and automagically links these to the right places for use.
- If a content's table is "too large" to extend (ie when adding a rating type) without downtime, that content has the rating type disabled for it and the required manual SQL for the administrator to run provided.
- "too large " table size threshold is an adjustable, may be to fully automatic or fully manual for adding columns.