Contact Enhanced Pro

Contact Enhanced Pro 5.2.6 For J4 & J5 + 3.17 For J3

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  1. 3.x
  2. 4.x
  3. 5.x
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Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business Contact Enhanced Pro 5.2.6 For J4 & J5 + 3.17 For J3 version on NullPro Community. From Contact Enhanced Pro have 1 Description Attachments, 8 discussion, 7 Updates, 591 Views.

Contacts Enhanced is a contact manager and form component packaged with lots of features:
  • GOOGLE MAPS and Directions;
  • UNLIMITED FORM FIELDS: Now you can have as many custom fields as you wish. You can request whichever information you need from the users that contact you; Available field types: Text, Multitext(textarea), SelectList, Checkbox, Radiobutton, Date, Date Range, Number, Number Range, MULTIPLE FILE UPLOADS (ATTACHMENTS), SQL*, Integration with newsletters ;
  • Bootstrap Compatible;
  • HTML Emails & Templates;
  • CAPTCHA (compatible with reCaptcha, SecurImage & any Captcha plugin), Free SecurImage Captcha plugin included;
  • Advanced Security features
  • Save Abandoned Forms;
  • Newsletter integrations: Campaign Monitor, MailChimp, AcyMailing
  • Google Docs Spreadsheet integration;
  • Embed the form into articles;
  • Responsive design;
  • HTML5 Compatible;
  • Send abandoned forms to recipient;
  • Records sent messages in the database
  • Saves Abandoned Forms
  • QR Code integration;
  • If the user is logged in this script will get the name and email recorded in the database, preventing the user to mistype his email
  • It will get your users IP Address, Browser, Operating System and Screen resolution
  • It uses jQuery (Joomla's default Javascript Library) to validate the form and for other scripts;
  • You can set each form to redirect to a specific page when the message is successfully sent
  • and much much more.
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

5.2.6 For J4 & J5 + 3.17 For J3 - changelog
New Features: Updated the search module to allow filtering by position. Fixes: The search...
5.2.5 For J4 & J5 + 3.16 For J3 - changelog
v5.2.5 New Features: Introducing Search by Tags and Contact Custom Fields. You can activate...
5.2.3 For J4 & J5 + 3.15.1 For J3 - changelog
New Features: Reintroduced the Thumbnails Category view for a more visual navigation...
v4.3.4 For J4 + v3.11.1 For J3 - changelog
no change log for this version
V4.2.1 For J4 - changelog
no change log for this version

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