Colors Creative - Portfolio for Freelancers & Agencies v1.8.9

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Not updated for a while but still a simple and inspiring theme.

Download Colors Creative - Portfolio for Freelancers & Agencies Nulled Free ThemeForest 11471702
Colors Creative
is a premium Wordpress theme for creative professionals, agencies, freelancers, illustrators, photographers, and others.

We believe color is what makes your website creative. So we’ve developed a set of color options that you’ve never seen before in any premium WordPress theme.

Colors Creative will help you showcase your work. Just use your imagination to create something outstanding.


We’ve put colors to the next level. Many features have been introduced to the market for the first time ever.

Navigation bars​

  • Unique feature: automatic change of your navigation bar color depending on the background color of the section it passes.
  • Navigation bar items (logo and menu) can be set in main, light and dark versions to change automatically (depending on the color of your navigation bar) or to be defined manually on a per page basis.
  • You can set your navigation bar transparency level.
  • Make combinations: transparent navigation bar only for headers and colorful one for the other page sections (or vice versa).

Page headers​

  • Absolutely unique feature: set up to 5 background colors for your headers to rotate automatically.
  • Header texts can be set in light and dark versions and change automatically depending on the current header background color. Alternatively, you can apply specific colors to each header text on a per page basis.
  • When using images, you can also add overlay color (with opacity, of course).


  • Absolutely unique feature (called “Shifting”): automatic change of your website background color depending on the section color you pass.
  • Just choose the other “Static” color option if you prefer not to go with the super cool Shifting.

Portfolio grids​

  • While setting your Portfolio grid, define the background color for all project items.
  • Change color for each project while adding it.
  • Absolutely cool: you can even get rid of your projects images and use colors only.

Google Maps​

  • Absolutely unique feature: set the background color for the Google Maps element visible while your map is loading.
  • Make your maps colorful by using Snazzy Maps.


  • Absolutely non-unique feature: use colored buttons. Yes, we do limit our creativity sometimes!

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Manage colors of many other elements​

  • Set colors for your website background, texts (including selections), links, navigation bars, footers, and many other elements.

Global and per page settings​

  • You can control your website global settings in the WordPress Customizer while overriding most of them on a per page basis.


You are genius. Your works are great. Let us help you show your creations in a unique manner never seen before.


  • Absolutely unique feature: show projects in frames emulating real devices (iPhone, iPad with additional landscape mode, Apple Watch, and desktop browser).
  • Define devices’ colors.
  • Absolutely unique feature: choose the smallest device from which your projects’ captions will be shown.


  • Unique feature: apply parallax to your Portfolio grids.
  • Absolutely unique feature: use different scroll effects.


  • Use animated GIFs for project items in your Portfolio grids.
  • Unique feature: use secondary images for your projects when hovering mouse over them.
  • Your Portfolio grid would look nice even if you didn’t upload project images.

Multiple other portfolio grid options​

Number of items

  • Define the number of projects to show in your Portfolio grid.
Space between items

  • Set space between items (in pixels).
  • Or just don’t use the space at all (set it to zero).
Show specific projects

  • Filter the projects shown by setting specific projects’ categories and tags.
  • Or choose particular projects that you’ve created.
  • Unless you simply want to show every project you’ve completed, of course!
Background color

  • Set background color for project items.

  • Sort your projects by date, modification date, order attribute, or title.
  • Absolutely cool feature we love: show projects in a random order.
Caption animation

  • Choose animation type for the project items caption.
Show filter by categories

  • Show/hide your portfolio grid filter by categories.
Caption margin and background color

  • Define the projects captions margin and background color.
Number of columns

  • Set number of portfolio grid columns: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and even 12!

  • Show projects titles and categories/description.
  • Set font sizes and colors.
Predefined layouts

  • Choose from six predefined layouts we’ve created: Large first, Masonry, Equal, Auto adjust size, Devices, Devices masonry.
Mobile view

  • Absolutely unique feature: set caption visibility, background opacity, font size and color on a per device basis.
  • Choose from the following visibility options: visible on tablets and phones, hidden on phones, hidden on tablets, or hidden on tablets and phones.
Base cell aspect

  • Choose from five predefined base cell aspects we’ve created: Horizontal low, Horizontal medium, Square, Vertical medium, Vertical high.
Custom links

  • Use custom URL for each project.

Multiple other features and settings​

There are so many other options to play around with.

  • Save $34 on Visual Composer and easily control your website pages layout and colors using default and custom made elements
  • Save $20 on Master Slider Pro and create stunning sliders
  • WooCommerce support
  • Advanced child theme
  • Use 2 different page headers with many options
  • Powerful Admin Panel via Customizer (to meet the latest WordPress requirements)
  • Four navigation bar types (horizontal, vertical, classic, and mini)
  • Unique feature: font generated logo
  • Images optimizations
  • Multiple icons, including Ionics
  • Creative blog
  • Google Fonts (600+) integrated
  • Font Configuration
  • Responsive layout (based on Bootstrap)
  • Works in all modern browsers
  • Tested using
  • Shortcodes
  • Contact Form 7 integration
  • Translation ready
  • WPML support
  • Parallax sections
  • Two widgetized footers
  • Additional Social icons widget
  • Two image carousels
  • Retina images
  • SEO ready
  • Demo data included
  • Custom CSS and Javascript
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Firefox, Safari, Chrome, IE9-11
  • Ready for WP 4.2+
  • Well Organised CSS
  • Friendly Support

Documentation and support​

All tickets will be directed through our support forum.

Please check out the Knowledge Base (which is constantly improving) before posting tickets there, to see if your questions aren’t already answered.
Extention type
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8.4 MB
First release
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