Civi - Job Board WordPress Theme

Civi - Job Board WordPress Theme 2.0.9

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Author richard
Creation date
"[Added] New Demo for Job - Home 12"
"[Fixed] Problem Sing Up with LinkedIn"
"[Fixed] Total price service in Payment Completed"
- Option to select 'Hebrew' language in GPT chat
- Admin email notification for new user package purchases
[Bug Fixed:]
- Unable to use the ACCOUNT widget in Elementor
- Unable to hide reviews in the job layout button
- An issue with importing addresses from certain countries
- Unable to search for a city by selecting a registered location in the dropdown on mobile
- Service slider width issue in RTL
- Strange popup link appearing when registering a new account
- Translation issue for /hr, /month, /day
- Error persists when applying to an expired job using an external link
- Location error in search on mobile devices
- Job category error if it is null
- Upload resume button displaying a delete sign next to it after uploading a resume
- Notification not showing when a user applies for a job on the BELL
- Rectified the issue with the default phone number not displaying in the popup job application and added a company option after enabling it in Theme Options.
- Reordered company size categories.
- Addressed icon display problem in the mega menu while using Elementor.
- Resolved discrepancies in displaying days/hours for the Salary option in job submission/filter.
- Corrected the money format on candidate profiles.
- Fixed the inability to showcase newly added social networks in candidate profiles.
- Resolved errors affecting archive companies and candidates on Google Maps.
- Fixed width issues in RTL (Right-to-Left) settings under general options.
- Enabled the option to deactivate the "service" on the left-side menu.
- Fixed default phone settings in company submissions.

- Added Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to the list of countries in the Locations Option.
- Incorporated the ability to set limits for downloading resumes and PDF files based on employer package.
- Updated the time format in the input type date.
- Improved message sorting functionality.

- Enhanced description in Google Job Schema.
- Implemented the function to hide Salary Type in job submission.
- Added a "Add new job categories" field within the job posting section.
- Included phone number and CV URL fields on the login application form.
[Fix] Resolved email verification error when using the cache plugin.
[Fix] Fixed file upload issue on Safari for both mobile and desktop.
[Fix] Addressed an issue where deleting content from the email template header/footer resulted in unnecessary spacing and improper position hiding in the email.
[Fix] Corrected the problem preventing the display of service icons.
[Fix] Rectified the error related to hovering over SVG icons.
[Fix] Corrected the display of the number of years of experience in a candidate's profile.
[Fix] Resolved CSS issues with the Widget Search feature.
[Fix] Fixed error messages received after creating an account.
[Fix] Updated the text from "Job post live" to "Package live..." for clarity.
[Fix] Adjusted the mobile sidebar icon.
[Fix] Rectified username and email issues in new user emails.
[Fix] Addressed the problem where the location title was not hidden when related fields were hidden.
[Fix] Adjusted the font style for email content.
[Fix] Fixed the error preventing the publication of services added from the candidate dashboard to the service archive page.
[Fix] Corrected the issue of the logo image not displaying in the popup preview when adding the company logo.
[Fix] Resolved CSS issues related to tickboxes and long text in the login/signup form.

[Update] Added support for multiple languages in theme options.
[Update] Implemented email notifications to candidates when their applications are approved by employers in the dashboard.
[Update] Introduced a "Qualification" field in Job Options under Search Fields.
[Update] Added the option to toggle the display of the user's name on the header after login.

[Add] Implemented a red border line to denote urgent job listings.
[Add] Introduced the ability to filter jobs by gender.
[Add] Added an "eye" icon to allow users to toggle password visibility in the login/register forms.
[Add] Included a default phone number country selection function.
[Add] Provided the option to hide reviews on items after disabling them in Theme Options.
[Add] Enabled the option to customize the background color and border of job elements in Elementor.
[Add] Added a description for Google Job Schema.
[Add] Included a field for Gmail in the apply form.
[Add] Enabled the ability to hide items in the dashboard after turning them off in User Navigation.