Careerfy - Job Board WordPress Theme

Careerfy - Job Board WordPress Theme 9.5.9

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Author anne
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Download Careerfy v9.1.8 - Job Board WordPress Theme Nulled Free
29th June 2022 Version 9.1.8 & Jobsearch Plugin Version 2.1.0

Fixed: Without admin approve + Only Verify Email and incomplete profile candidate applying jobs
Updated: CV/Resume Attachment Required On/OFF for Candidate Apply Job With Login
Updated: Career Framework Plugin POT language
Updated: WP Jobsearch Plugin POT language
Download Careerfy v9.1.7 - Job Board WordPress Theme Nulled Free
21st June 2022 Version 9.1.7 & Jobsearch Plugin Version 2.0.9

Added: After Free Package Purchase will go to User dashboard
Fixed: Ajax Filters not working
Updated: Slider Revolution plugin
Updated: Career Framework Plugin POT language
Updated: WP Jobsearch Plugin POT language
Download Careerfy v9.1.6 - Job Board WordPress Theme Nulled Free
10th June 2022 Version 9.1.6 & Jobsearch Plugin Version 2.0.8

Fixed: In manual locations -> candidate listing filters sorting with highest count not working.
Fixed: In manual locations -> employer listing filters sorting with highest count not working.
Fixed: At user dashboard all applicants in load more results question/answer popup open.
Fixed: At backend all applicants in load more results question/answer popup open.
Fixed: Package Assign while Candidate Signup.
Fixed: Job detail 5 the employer name
Updated: Career Framework Plugin POT language
Updated: WP Jobsearch Plugin POT language
Download Careerfy v9.1.5 - Job Board WordPress Theme Nulled Free
01 June 2022 Version 9.1.5 & Jobsearch Plugin Version 2.0.7

Added New: Subscription menu link in dashboard separate switch added in options
Added New: Job publish date in bulk edit from backend
Fixed: CV download issue from backend
Fixed: Apply job without login user phone field saving
Updated: Career Framework Plugin POT language
Updated: WP Jobsearch Plugin POT language
Download Careerfy v9.1.4 - Job Board WordPress Theme Nulled Free
26 May 2022 Version 9.1.4 & Jobsearch Plugin Version 2.0.6

Fixed: Candidate dashboard Job Alerts
Fixed: Job bulk edit from backend
Fixed: Job Alerts with sector not working
Updated: Career Framework Plugin POT language
Updated: WP Jobsearch Plugin POT language
Download Careerfy v9.1.3 - Job Board WordPress Theme Nulled Free
24th May 2022 Version 9.1.3 & Jobsearch Plugin Version 2.0.5

Fixed: Candidate Import with CV Attachment
Fixed: Date correct format in Export Excel file
Fixed: Salary Currency sign in Export Excel file
Fixed: Plus(+) sign missing before phone number in Export Excel file
Fixed: Incomplete address showing in Export Excel file
Fixed: Education and experience spacing in Export Excel file
Fixed: Translations in Export Excel file
Fixed: Login as an Employer click on send message button of candidate details, the chat popup redirect
Fixed: Export Resumes/CV's PDF templates all slug value replaced with title value of custom fields
Fixed: WPML translations in candidate and employer post title/name
Fixed: Indeed Import Jobs
Fixed: Click on Resend activation email link/button popup/info box space issue
Fixed: Candidate Profile Complete email
Updated: Slider Revolution plugin
Updated: Addon Jobsearch Chat POT language
Updated: Addon Jobsearch Resume Export POT language
Updated: Career Framework Plugin POT language
Updated: WP Jobsearch Plugin POT language
Download Careerfy v9.1.1 - Job Board WordPress Theme Nulled Free
14 April 2022 Version 9.1.1 & Jobsearch Plugin Version 2.0.3

Fixed: Account not approved message issue on recent applicants in case of email applicant
Updated: Career Framework Plugin POT language
Updated: WP Jobsearch Plugin POT language
Download Careerfy v9.1.0 - Job Board WordPress Theme Nulled Free
12 April 2022 Version 9.1.0 & Jobsearch Plugin Version 2.0.2

Added: Employer contact info display on package base in "Candidate Profile Package"
Added: Job Applicants with not approved account show message box in employer dashboard -> recent applicants
Added: Job Applicants with not approved account show message box in employer dashboard -> job applicants
Added: Job Applicants with not approved account show message box in employer dashboard -> all applicants
Added: Job Applicants with not approved account show message box in all applicants (Backend)
Fixed: Active jobs in Job Listing Shortcode
Fixed: Job sector shortcode style 4 job count
Updated: WPBakery Page Builder plugin
Updated: Slider Revolution plugin
Updated: Career Framework Plugin POT language
Updated: WP Jobsearch Plugin POT language

Fixed: Candidate listing map -> Address
Fixed: Candidate listing map -> Candidate Name Restriction
Fixed: Candidate listing map -> Profile Picture Restriction
Fixed: Candidate listing map -> Candidate Sector Restriction
Fixed: Job detail 'application deadline date' counter display
Fixed: Number of items for all category shortcode
Updated: Career Framework Plugin POT language
Updated: WP Jobsearch Plugin POT language
Download Careerfy v9.0 - Job Board WordPress Theme Nulled Free
05 April 2022 Version 9.0 & Jobsearch Plugin Version 2.0.1

Fixed: Candidate listing map -> Address
Fixed: Candidate listing map -> Candidate Name Restriction
Fixed: Candidate listing map -> Profile Picture Restriction
Fixed: Candidate listing map -> Candidate Sector Restriction
Fixed: Job detail 'application deadline date' counter display
Fixed: Number of items for all category shortcode
Updated: Career Framework Plugin POT language
Updated: WP Jobsearch Plugin POT language