Bulky - WooCommerce Bulk Edit Products, Orders, Coupons

Bulky - WooCommerce Bulk Edit Products, Orders, Coupons 1.3.2

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Author Mathias
Creation date
– Fixed: Product information copied incorrectly, generate slug for copied products
- Fixed: Clear data after closed text editor
- Fixed: Get global attribute
- Fixed: Errors of function add attributes to products
- Updated: Save column width
- Updated: Update wp rule
– Fixed: Save order metadata
- Fixed: External link in wp editor
- Fixed: Sort when paging
– Updated: Compatible with wp 6.5
- Updated: Update support file
– Updated: Settings for each user
Updated: Added check hook woocommerce_process_product_meta_product_type
– Updated: Notification when encountering issue max_input_vars
– Updated: Hook bulky_filter_meta_arr
– Fix: Special character of attributes
– Fix: Sort by SKU
– Updated: Compatible with WooCommerce HPOS(COT)
– Updated: Fill number feature for number column type
– Fix: Filter default attribute column
- Update: Add bulk remove product attributes feature
- Fix: Calculate price with small price
- Fix: Variation filter
- Update: Sort fields
- Update: Add bulk remove product attributes feature
- Fix: Calculate price with small price
- Fix: Variation filter
- Update: Sort fields
/** 1.2.1 - 2022.07.15 **/
- Update: Change icon of array meta to string
- Fix: Get saved taxonomies as array
- Update: Exclude meta key wpfoof-exclude-product, wpfoof-identifier_exists