Bulky - WooCommerce Bulk Edit Products, Orders, Coupons

Bulky - WooCommerce Bulk Edit Products, Orders, Coupons 1.3.8

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- Updated: Only arrange the fields to be displayed in the edit table
- Updated: Close the sidebar after saving settings or filter
- Fixed: The product list failed to load because some attributes have too many options.
– Fixed: Filter Coupons
– Fixed: Compatible with WooCommerce HPOS(COT)
– Fixed: Settings for each user
- Fixed: Errors from customers' feedback
- Updated: Compatible with WC 9.5
- Added: The table wrap mode
- Fixed: Fix distance of data lazy loading
- Fixed: Errors from customers' feedback
- Updated: Retain newline characters in attribute value
- Updated: Add gallery meta type
- Updated: Filter feature image
- Updated: Data lazy loading
- Updated: Compatible with WC 9.2.3 and PHP 8.1
- Fixed: Save data
- Fixed: Automatically create slug when not duplicated
– Fixed: Product information copied incorrectly, generate slug for copied products
- Fixed: Clear data after closed text editor
- Fixed: Get global attribute
- Fixed: Errors of function add attributes to products
- Updated: Save column width
- Updated: Update wp rule
– Fixed: Save order metadata
- Fixed: External link in wp editor
- Fixed: Sort when paging
– Updated: Compatible with wp 6.5
- Updated: Update support file
– Updated: Settings for each user
Updated: Added check hook woocommerce_process_product_meta_product_type