Pro Forms: Modern Style Select Fields
Added Select Fields in a modern style – with integrated search functioanlity and chip design for multiple options support.
Pro Forms: Style Options for Input Fields
Added a new group "Style" for all input related form fields.
Pro Forms: New Control "Height" for Button Field
Added a new control "Height" for the submit button field.
Pro Forms: Select Option – Initial Value not applied
Fixed a bug caused the initial value not to be applied for select option fields.
Pro Forms: Live Value Field – Checkboxes/Radios and Select fields not considered
Fixed a bug caused checkboxes, radio and select fields not to be considered from the Live Value field
Pro Forms: Live Value Field – Not populated on page load
Fixed a bug caused the Live Value field to not to be populated on page load.
Pro Forms: Update Post Meta – Calculation Value has ignores rounded values
Fixed a bug caused the "Update Post Meta" action to ignore rounded values when adding them as value.
Pro Forms: WC Add To Cart – Product not added if has Product Meta
Fixed a bug caused the product not being added to the cart if custom product meta values are passed
Pro Forms: File Upload shows only one file preview
Fixed a bug caused the file upload field to show only one file preview.
Lenis Scroll Smoother is not scrolling to the bottom
Fixed an issue caused the Lenis Scroll Smoother to stop scrolling before reaching the bottom of the page.
Terminal: Custom Commands
With this new feature, you can create your own commands with the Bricksforge Terminal! To do this, you just have to select the element tree in the structure panel and create a new command with right click -> Create Terminal Command. All classes, styles, interactions, just everything will be included. This will be a real time-saver!
Page Transitions: Added Morph Plugin
Added the Morph Plugin for the Page Transitions feature.
Page Transitions: Interactions in Popups not working
Fixed a bug caused interactions not to work inside popups.
Lenis Scroll Smoother not scrolling
A few users had the problem that scrolling with Lenis was not possible. This was due to other plugins overwriting the scroll-behaviour property. This fix ensures that the value is set to "auto".
Pro Forms: Submit Errors
Fixed a bug caused the form to not submit correctly under certain conditions.
Terminal: Headings and Text elements created with empty text
Fixed an issue caused the "heading", "text" and "text-basic" elements to be created with an empty text string.
This new extension adds page transitions to your website. It will load the content via ajax and animate it if needed.
Nestable Pro Forms: New Element "Live Value"
The new Element "Live Value" can be connected to a form field. Then, it will listen for input events and show the live value of this field wherever you want – even outside the form.
You can now define validation rules for individual form fields.
Pro Forms: Support for Repeaters
Repeaters are now supported for post meta related actions. Compatibility has been added for: ACF, Metabox, JetEngine, ACPT.
Pro Forms: Use values from previously running actions
With the new keys {{live_post_id}} and {{live_user_id}} you can now use IDs from data that has just been created using previously running actions.
Email Designer: New Function getUserMeta()
Added new user related function: getUserMeta(). This function expects a meta key.
Bricksforge Panel: New Action "Populate Form Field"
Global Classes Creator: Saving now also works without classes to be required
Before, saving only was possible when at least one global class has been added. Now, you can save it also without classes. This way you could manage as set of CSS Variables as well.
Pro Forms: Metabox Compatibility
Added a lot of compatibility fixes for metabox custom fields.
Pro Forms: Added "Ignore attachments" to email action
Now you can ignore attachment for sending emails if needed.
Email Designer: [brf_confirmation] not needed anymore
Removed the need to add [brf_confirmation] for Bricks Confirmation Emails.
Added the current version of the Lenis Scroll Smoother.
Extensions and Elements not saving on first touch
Fixed a bug caused that elements and extensions are not saving correctly when opening the Bricksforge Backend the first time.
Terminal: Windows Shortcut is opening new tab
The new shortcut to open the terminal for Windows users is now: CTRL + ALT + T
Backend Designer: Custom Dashboard is showing notices
Fixed an issue caused the custom dashboard pages showing WordPress notices on page load.
Pro Forms: Taxonomy term not created when assigning multiple values
Fixed an issue caused that taxonomy terms are not being added when using multiple terms with one single ID, for example via checkboxes.
Pro Forms: Conditional Logic Validation Fix
Fixed an issue caused that not visible elements are running a validation.
Pro Forms Steps: Validation Rules
Pro Forms Steps are reacting now to validation rules.
Pro Forms: Date Format Issues
Fixed several date format issues for Pro Forms
Nestable Pro Forms: Select Placeholder not showing
Fixed an issue caused the placeholder not showing for select fields.
Nestable Pro Forms: Card Radio / Card Checkbox - Global Class Styling Fix
Fixed an issue caused the styled added via a global class have been overwritten by the default styles.
Fixed an issue caused the cursor not having the "pointer" state for card checkboxes on hover.
fix Advanced Themer Compatibility Fixes
Fixed an issue that caused various Advanced Themer functionalities not to work properly.
fix Pro Forms: Loading Icon always visible
Fixed an issue that caused the loading icon to be always visible if the CSS Loading method is set to "External files"
Pro Forms: Added "Show Notifications in Builder"
Now, you can style notifications even better showing them in the builder optionally.
Nestable Pro Forms: "Refresh Email Content" not working for Select Fields
Fixed a bug that caused the "Refresh Email Content" functionality to not consider Select Fields
Nestable Pro Forms: Submit Button Style & Size not working
Fixed a bug that caused the "Style" and "Size" Controls of the Submit Button not to work.
Fixed a bug that caused the builder to not respect added width properties to form fields.
Breaking Change: There is a new “Activate” toggle for the Customizer. If you use Customizer options for specific roles, you must explicitly activate them in the new version for them to remain in effect.