Added "Prevent Default" as toggle for event instances.
The Form Submissions Counter now also reacts on submission deletions and decrease the value.
Fixed an issue that caused animations not to run under certain conditions when "motionPath" was enabled and no path was specified.
full changelog for this version in here :
Hotfix: Mega Menu Performance Issue
A bug has been fixed that caused GSAP to be accidentally loaded when using the Mega Menu.
Pro Forms Styling Issue
- Fixed a bug that caused the percentage values for input field widths to not work as expected under certain circumstances.
full changelog in here:
New Extension: Bricksforge Terminal
The Bricksforge Terminal gives you a command line from which you can execute Emmet-style commands. For example you can create several classes at once for one Bricks element or whole element structures. Example: "> > div > heading" to create a nested element structure.
New Extension: Backend Designer
With the Backend Designer you can customize the internal WordPress admin area, but also the login. You have several options at your disposal. In addition, it will be possible for you to completely customize the dashboard with a Bricks template!
Global Classes: CSS Variable Detection & Visualisation
This feature is one of the strongest! Bricksforge now automatically detects the CSS variables of your created global classes and provides you with visual edit boxes to change the values. If you don't want to touch the code, you'll love this feature!
Global Classes: CSS Clamp Generator
As part of the Class Detector, you get a CSS Clamp Generator that lets you compute clamp values to calculate your font sizes and insert them right away.
New Context Menus (Right Click) for the Bricksforge Panel
The Bricksforge panel has been extended with right-click context menus for instances and timelines. There you can now make various settings. More options will be added in the future.
You can now duplicate your event instances.
You can now duplicate your timelines.
You can now duplicate your event actions.
You can now duplicate your timeline animations.
Import/Export Event Instances
You have now the possibility to import/export event instances.
You have now the possibility to import/export timelines.
Import/Export entire Bricksforge settings
If you want to create a backup or to use the same Bricksforge configuration on other sites, you can now export all Bricksforge settings, including the Global Classes and the Bricksforge Panel events & timelines.
GSAP ScrollSmoother: Added "Speed" control
GSAP ScrollSmoother has been updated to the latest version and a new control "Speed" has been added.
Timelines: Added "ToggleClass" functionality
The Timelines ScrollTrigger has been extended with the control "ToggleClass". With this setting, you can toggle a class for a specific element when your selected trigger comes to the viewport or leave the viewport.
Ability to delete Bricksforge CSS Framework
You can now delete also the out of the box Bricksforge Framework
* Added an additional Smooth Scrolling Provider: Lenis.
* Fixed a bug which causes that "Remove class" did not work well for GSAP Flip actions
* Bricksforge Panel: Create GSAP Timelines: Finally this function is here! You can now create GSAP timelines with the Bricksforge Panel and connect them to events. You can bind the timelines to your CSS classes to create your own animations and easily assign them to your elements.
* Bricksforge Panel: New Action: GSAP Animation: You can now connect your events with animations and control your timelines.
* Bricksforge Panel: New Action: JavaScript Function: You can now execute custom JavaScript functions and also pass arguments for them.
* Bricksforge Panel: Usability Improvements and new shortcode: The panel can now be expanded with double click on the toolbar. Also, when is minimized, it will open when selecting a navigation item. Also we've added a shortcut to open and close the panel: CTRL + P
* Maintenance Mode: Unlock with password, Custom Status Code: The maintenance mode has been extended. You can now set a password that allows selected customers to visit your site anyway. Also, you can now create a custom status code.
* Before & After: New Setting: Keep Image Ratio: You can now keep the image ratio with one click.
* Bricksforge Backend and the WordPress Navigation: Some of you were bothered by the fact that in the Bricksforge backend the WordPress menu was in the background. Now you can make a personal setting.
* Added cursor: pointer to Popup Trigger: We have added a pointer cursor for elements inside the Popup Trigger
* Whitelabel: Updated "Reset" Button: The Reset button for the White Label area can reset now all settings.
* WordPress Multisite Support: Bricksforge is now compatible with WordPress Multisites
* Nav Items inside a Mega Menu: Fixed problems when using the element nav menu inside a mega menu.
* Mega Menu: Input URL was gone: Fixed a bug that caused that when using mega menus, the "Link" input field was gone for menu items
* Loading JavaScript for popups improved: Before we checked if any popup data exists. If yes, we've loaded the JS. Now we additionally check if the popups are activated as extension.
* Customizing: Clean up toolbar now includes the Add Icon: Because many of you requested it, the "Clean Up Toolbar" mode now includes the plus icon for adding items. In the long run, you will be able to control this area in more detail.
* Popups: Default Overlay Color: The Overlay Color default value was broken. This has been fixed.
* Flip Everything: Improvement for dynamic content: The element can now better handle dynamic content where the height is not yet known.