Bricks Ultimate - Ultimate Tools for Bricks Builder

Bricks Ultimate - Ultimate Tools for Bricks Builder Nulled

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* Fixed - WPGB Styler is not working
* Fixed - JS issues
* Fixed - Address dropdown issues in the Checkout Builder elements
* Fixed - CSS issues in Checkout Builder element
* Fixed - Applied Coupons are not updating on the Checkout page
* Fixed - Cart total price is not updating after applied the coupon on Checkout page
* Fixed – Tabs, Accordion, etc elements are not working inside the Cart Total Wrapper element
* New dynamic tag - Count user posts(compatible with any post types)
* New element condition - Payment Gateway
* Improved - AJAX action script
* Improved - Shipping Methods element
* Improved - Checkout page CSS file
* Improved - Place Order Button element
* Improved - Plugin updater notification API. MainWP plugin is not showing the plugin's update message.
* New dynamic tags – Order shipping cost, Order custom field data, Order item's featured image
* Fixed – Deprecated message from Custom WP Query Pagination element
* Fixed – SVG image is not showing in the Swatches For Loop element
* Added – AJAX action in Custom WP Query Pagination element
* Improved – Swatches For Loop element. Added the featured image selector field.
* [Checkout(Beta)] – Improves Shipping Methods and Billing Address Selector elements
* [Checkout(Beta)] – New element Place Order Button
* [Checkout(Beta)] – New element Payment Methods
* Added – French translation files(.po and .mo files)
* Improved – Order Total dynamic data tag. Now you can use it on the Cart and Checkout pages.
* Fixed – JS and CSS issues in the Cart Counter element
* New feature – Add To Cart notification
* New element – Wishlist. Compatible with CPTs, Posts etc
* New loop builder provider – Wishlist Items
* Fixed – JS issue in Add To Cart Icon element
* Fixed – PHP warnings in Flex Gallery element
* Improved internal coding, typo mistakes etc.
* Improve - Swatches for Loop element
* Add - "Filter by meta" field feature in the AJAX Search element
* Add - "Beta" text in the Checkout builder functionality
* New element - Checkout Builder beta. Do not use it on production site.
* Improved - Business Hours element.
* Improved - AJAX Search Form element. Added the View All Results button functionality.
* Improve - Swatches functionality
* Add - a new feature: Show only text based swatches
* Add - new settings under the MISC tab about the swatches