Bicrypto - Crypto Trading Platform, Exchanges, KYC, Charting Library, Wallets, Binary Trading, News

Bicrypto - Crypto Trading Platform, Exchanges, KYC, Charting Library, Wallets, Binary Trading, News 4.1.7

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Author emmie
Creation date
Logo and Loading:
Improved logo link behavior based on frontend status in the environment configuration.
Enhanced logo loading status for better performance.
Patched an issue with settings hydration to ensure proper functionality.
Page Transitions:
Enhanced page transitions with a new loading status between router start and completion.
Trade Page:
Improved coding quality of the trade page ticker.
Enhanced the hydration of markets on the trade page.
Improved the order book worker for better performance.
Disabled transitions when changing markets to prevent unnecessary loading.
KYC (Know Your Customer):
Fixed an issue preventing KYC submissions beyond level 1.
Patched an issue where admin KYC approval was adding an extra approved level.
Improved KYC submission process to prevent the sending of unnecessary documents.
Enhanced the UI of the admin KYC documents card.
- Added the "Trading Restriction" feature.
- Added the "Bot Trader Restriction" feature.
- Added the "ICO Restriction" feature.
- Added the "Forex Restriction" feature.
- Added the "Ecosystem Restriction" feature.
- Added the "Futures Restriction" feature.
- Added the "Binary Trading Restriction" feature.
- Added the "Wallet Details Restriction" feature.
- Added the "MLM Restriction" feature.
- Added the "Staking Restriction" feature.
- Added the "P2P Restriction" feature.
- Added the "E-commerce Restriction" feature.
- Added the "Investments Restriction" feature.
- patched for order book, trades decimal count on bitget, kucoin
- changed welcome in binary trading page to start practicing
- patched verification levels not showing if the user doesn't have KYC yet
- improved UI/UX of the login page
- patched validation text if login clicked without any info in the input
- patched withdraw error notification
- patched error handling of withdraw method creation
- added messages to validate of withdrawal method creation
- minor patch for not found routes in the cron manager
- added a new helper function to check the encryption status
- added system log viewer with the ability to clean logs
- improved update checking logic
- hidden frozen wallet until further development
- improved all table's pagination responsiveness
- improved users import UI/UX
- improved footer UI/UX on admin dash
- improved footer UI/UX languages dropdown padding to show more languages
- improved trading g page margins
- improved market info UI/UX and responsiveness
- improved trading page UI/UX and responsiveness
- improved wallet connect auto connect and removed request of signature while logged in
- added animated SVG loading on market info and order book and trades cards
- improved icons of tokens in market info with animation
- patched third-party confirmation of payment decimals
- patched Kucoin decimals on the withdrawal page
With Addon
- Kucoin Currency Addon
- removed unneeded fields from the wallet detail page to show more important info
- enhanced order book total amount format
- patched issue where the KYC page shows type not found
- patched change site name in mails
- patched save email as PHP mailer show $enc not defined
- patched PHP mail sending HTML as a text and not a code to be parsed
- patched email manager not showing all templates
- patched not ability to disable push notification
- patched email setting notification link throwing error
- added code editor to TinyMCE editor in email manager template edit pages
- patched funding wallet to show even if only the ecosystem option is enabled
as they are important for all the other addons
Version - Sep 17 2022:

  • added Popups manager
  • added ability to add multiple popups
  • added ability to add HTML code in popups
  • added ability to set duration and end date of popup
  • added ability for the user to disable the popup for himself only
  • patch for walletConnect addon
  • Blog comments patched
  • added Under Maintenance page and controller to be enabled from platform manager
  • added method to prevent login of users and send back to Maintenance page and only allow
    admin logins to pass
  • added phone number option to platform settings to enable phone number in registration page
  • patched wallet transactions show other clients
  • huge list of patching and upgrades listed in MLM addon patch
  • preparation patch for native trading
  • preparation patch for livechat addon
  • patch for platform settings
  • added new deposit fees controller where admin can set if the fees are added or
    subtracted on funding wallets
  • patched manual deposit commissions
  • patched user creation for MLM