Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders

Automatic.css - Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders 3.0.0 Nulled

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Support for font family

Heading and text font family support. These values no longer need to be added in the builder theme styles.
Justify and text-align controls for buttons

You can now control alignment on buttons, an improvement on the previous “center” default.
.width--full is no longer based on content width

This was a loop issue. Added a conditional to handle .width--full independently.
Fixed logic for deprecated section padding classes

A typo in the logic statement was causing deprecated section padding classes to not load when the toggle is on.
Restored the "doorway" file for backward compatibility with 3rd party SCSS plugins
This is our standard post-release update focusing exclusively on bug fixes and improvements.

Programmatic color scheme protection

Gutenberg styles no longer load in the preview area when "load styling in backend" is disabled
Auto-BEM no longer disrupts Bricks global classes
Section spacing is now visible in the context menu on spacing inputs
Compatibility issues between contextual color utilities and color scheme protection classes are now solved
Compatibility issues with color scheme protection classes for website background color, text color, and heading colors have been fixed
Relative paths in import statements no longer cause issues with SG Optimizer
Headings now switch colors automatically when using auto color relationships
This is a security release that fixes a potential XSS and CSRF vulnerability in our backend. The update won’t impact the layout and styling of your websites, so you can perform it safely.
This is our standard post-release update focusing exclusively on bug fixes and improvements.

Content-grid class now has the correct specificity

This fixes the bug reported in [RESOLVED] Content Grid not working – am I missing something? | Automatic.css (
Heading colors now apply the correct value

This fixes the bugs reported in:

Bug Confirmed –h1-color overriding default h1 base color | Automatic.css (
Contextual Color classes (v2.8) – Issue with Heading colors and utility classes | Automatic.css (

Loom extension no longer creates extra space

This fixes the bug reported in ACSS + LOOM Extension | Automatic.css (
Contextual color classes are back

Contextual color classes such as .bg–success were no longer being generated. This problem is fixed.
Heading sizes and line heights in Oxygen now produce the correct output

This fixes the bugs reported in H1 elements not using correct size since ACSS 2.8 (Oxygen) | Automatic.css (
Accent button is back in the context menu

The context menu was missing the “Accent button” color, which is now back.
Removed references to --variable-grid from our docs
This is the last major release prior to v3.0. This release introduces some powerful and unique new features, adding to the list of features that aren’t available in any other framework.

Breakdance Builder Integration (Phase 1)

We’re excited to announce official support for Breakdance Builder. ACSS v2.8 includes Phase 1 support for Breakdance, which covers framework compatibility (utility classes & variables). Phase 2 support (future release) will include palette integration, contextual menus, and other builder enhancements.
Content Grid Layout System

A powerful new paradigm for dynamic vertical content layouts.

View Content Grid documentation.
Variable Grids

Variable Grid is a unique, powerful, lightweight, automatically responsive grid system that’s not currently found in any other framework. View the Variable Grid documentation for more information.
Contextual Color Utilities


Plus all associated variables.

Why? Read about contextual utilities.
Automatic Color Swapping (Contextual Relationships)

Users can now relate the new contextual text color utilities with contextual background utilities for automatic color switching. For example, when you use the new .bg--ultra-dark class on a section, ACSS will automatically set all the text color to .text--light for you. Users can choose what the relationship values are for each background color.
Global heading color

Users can now set a global heading color. This color will be the default color for all heading levels but still allows users to override the color at each heading level. There’s also a new token for this: var(--heading-color) so you can easily reference it when needed.
Heading Color Variables

You can now reference the global heading color of any specific heading level with variables as well as the new global default heading color.


Hide Deactivated Classes

Builders will no longer auto-suggest classes that are turned off in the ACSS dashboard.
Option switches for all transparency sets

Users can now turn off individual transparency groups for each color. This will remove these colors and their utilities from the stylesheet.
Masonry Layout Utilities

Easily create Masonry layouts with full gap control. Read more about Masonry utilities in ACSS.
Import Original Classes (Bricks Remote Templates)

When you import a remote template and rename the classes, bricks imports the same template with the renamed classes instead of fresh ones. This feature prevents this and gives you the original classes (and original styling) of the remote templates.

Requires to be turned on manually (under Options > Import Original Classes (Bricks Remote Templates)).
Row-Gap Utilities

You can now set row-gap and column-gap independently with ACSS utility classes. New utilities follow these conventions:


Using the shorthand gap-- utilities will still set both row and column to the same value. Read more about gap utilities here.
All user-adjustable settings now output values as variables

This was already the case for most things, but we’ve gone through the framework and ensured that any utility tied to user-adjustable values outputs that value via a variable on the front end. This ensures that every user-adjustable utility is further adjustable on the fly both regionally (template) and locally (block/element) for maximum flexibility.

We’ve added a new variable var(--gutter) for referencing your website’s inline padding. This does the same thing as var(--section-padding-x)but is shorter, more readable, and makes more sense within the context of new features like Content Grid and content-width--safe.
Headings now inherit color from text--[color] variables

Headings did not previously inherit color instructions from text–[color] classes. The user would have to use the same text–[color] class on the heading itself to get the desired effect. Now, headings will automatically inherit color unless they’ve been explicitly colored already by another instruction.
aspect--[ratio] classes now work on figure elements

In builders like Gutenberg, images are not properly styled to adapt to their figure parent’s size. ACSS’ aspect-- utilities, when used on a figure element, will now get the same aspect ratio as the figure element.
width--[size] classes now fix common figure image issues

In builders like Gutenberg, images are not properly styled to adapt to their figure parent’s size. ACSS’ width-- utilities, when used on a figure element, will now instruct the child image to grow with the figure element.
Added "dd" to reset stylesheet.

Automatic.css removes the default inline margin on dd elements (description list descriptions) as part of our global reset. This lets users use description lists without an intrusive inline margin from the agent stylesheet.
Fixed --btn-font-size being empty

When “custom font size” is enabled for buttons, your desired values are now passed to the --btn-font-size variable.
Fixed global link style exclusion specificity

When setting global link styles, users can add exclusion rules to prevent global link styles from appearing in certain areas (like the header or footer). The exclusion rules were too specific, making it hard to style links in these areas. We’ve reduced the specificity of the exclusions to resolve this.
Form fixes
This is our standard post-release update focusing exclusively on bug fixes and improvements.

Flex-Grid breakpoint classes now have the correct specificity
Added support for overriding the button display property

ACSS buttons have a “inline-flex” display by default, but now you can override it by setting your preferred display in the “–btn-display” CSS variable.
Using CSS comments in settings no longer results in an uncaught AssertionError in ScssPhp/Parser.php:1686

As part of our PHP 8.2 compatibility efforts, in our previous release we updated the ScssPhp library from 1.9.0 to 1.11.1. This version contained a bug where using a CSS comment in one of our inputs would cause a PHP fatal error. The library has been updated again with a fix, which we are including in this release.
The color scheme switcher is visible again in Cwicly
FluentForm's GDPR and T&C checkboxes are visible again
This is our standard post-release update focusing exclusively on bug fixes and improvements.

WordPress 6.4 compatibility
PHP 8.2 compatibility

Updated the ScssPHP library to version 1.11.1
Add color palette to Cwicly

All ACSS colors are now available in Cwicly’s color picker
Clickable parent no longer prevents editing text in Bricks
Flex-grid classes are no longer generated multiple times
Context menu correctly applies selection--alt class
Form fixes

Smart spacing is applied when radios or checkboxes are set to be displayed in grid
WS Form – Number field label inside with suffix / prefix
CSS specificity bug with WSForm select dropdown error condition
Bricks Form – checkboxes background color + position when text wraps

Added missing option-centering
Disable the context menu in Cwicly until fully supported

The context menu for Cwicly isn’t fully supported yet, but it was loading anyway. We disabled it for the time being, to avoid any confusion. It will be available again soon
Header height settings now allow decimals
full changelog link
This is a hotfix to patch an issue with header heights when the XXL breakpoint is enabled.

  • Fix for XXL Header Height Error on Save
    An issue with a missing variable related to header height was preventing users from saving settings on the dashboard when the XXL breakpoint was enabled. This has been resolved.
  • Tooltip Edits
This is our standard post-release update focusing exclusively on bug fixes and improvements.

Smart spacing no longer breaks spacing in WooCommerce pages

As reported in
The context menu now adapts better to small screens

As reported in
The context menu now properly applies classes to empty elements

As reported in
Grid classes now work in Oxygen footer elements correctly

As reported in
Flex classes are no longer loaded in Gutenberg when the related setting is turned off