Atlas - Store locator, maps, and statistics Module

Atlas - Store locator, maps, and statistics Module 1.0.6

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Author richard
Creation date
PrestaShop Compatibility
  1. 1.7.x
  2. 8.x
The modern store locator for modern businesses, powered by Google Maps.
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business Atlas - Store locator, maps, and statistics Module 1.0.6 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 4.3 MB File size. From Atlas - Store locator, maps, and statistics Module have 1 Description Attachments, 230 Views.

The modern store locator for modern businesses, powered by Google Maps. Add a searchable map anywhere on your online shop that allows your customers to discover your points of sale.


Other features
Administration (back-office):


  • Create as many maps as you need, with different configurations and locations.
  • Get started in minutes with an easy-to-follow setup process, most options are already preselected.
  • Set the position of the map to all of its locations, the user's geolocation, or choose a custom position.
  • Choose the map controls: zoom in and out, full-screen mode, StreetView mode, and more.
  • Choose how the map should handle user interactions: auto, cooperative, greedy, or none.
  • Enable the marker grouping option to automatically create groups for large amounts of markers (pins) on the map.
  • Set the minimum number of indicators required to form a group.
  • Set the maximum zoom level at which groups are formed.
  • Enable the advanced settings to configure the map beyond the previously listed options.
  • Choose from a collection of themes for your map.
  • Create your own theme in minutes that match your brand just by changing a few colors.
  • Change the color, image, or size of the markers and marker groups on the map.
  • Add animations to the markers: bouncing or dropping-in animation.
  • Choose the map style from a collection of official and community-made styles or use a custom style.
  • Choose the list style of the locations: simple or card-like list.
  • Choose where you want to display the map: positions (hooks), shop pages, CMS pages or use the Smarty/HTML code.
  • Preview how the map will look like on your live website.
Extention type
File size
4.3 MB
First release
Last update
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