Athlete2 - Strong Magento 2 Theme

Nulled Athlete2 - Strong Magento 2 Theme Nulled

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Author hellobut
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Hot Fixes and Improvements
  • Changed the way total sold amount is collected for stock info block to improve performance
  • Added max width to fotorama placeholder image when vertical thumbnails are enabled to prevent image shift when gallery is loaded
  • Infinite slide widget now allows zero values for rotate option
  • Removed text from small screen sizes from social share icon on product page, when its position is in title.
  • fotorama gallery shift in quickview due to new styles in 2.4.7
  • Added new font, gap and padding options for small screen sizes for Subcategory widgets.
  • MSI related classes are now loaded on demand and so the MSI modules not longer required to be installed.
  • Fixed: image_with_borders template in 2.4.x patches missing height variable error.
  • Fixed: amasty xsearch patch missing variable error
  • Fixed: language switcher "no-move" template (used in footer on Fi demo) does not open modal on mobile
  • Fixed: stock info wrong product used. Changed the way a stock info block gets the current product.
  • Fixed: heredoc variable for move mobile block reposnsible for moving blocks below the main info block when any of the block a positioned below the gallery on desktop
  • Fixed: brands bordered grid on small screens, left side border line was missing.
  • Fixed: Patches for magento 2.3.3 and 2.3.4 - recently viewed widget missing title.
  • Fixed: Related/upsells layout 6 for patches for magento 2.3.3 and 2.3.4
  • Fixed: Magento generate classes for product thumbnails based on product id. This can cause issues when there are product blocks with the same products but different image sizes (e.g. list and grid layouts). Now class names will be based on sizes also.
  • Fixed: Breadcrumbs missing categories in path on product page
  • Fixed: possible issue with images on product edit page in admin panel on lower version of Magento
  • Fixed: css only product gallery for magento below 2.4
  • Fixed: subcategories widget images wrong path on lower version of Magento
  • Fixed: login modal button is locked when recaptcha enabled

  • Fixed: Do not open menu item if it is not a drop down when "All Categories" - auto open child item dropdown" is enabled for Mega Menu "All Categories" drop down.
  • Fixed: Some of the theme settings drop errors.
  • Fixed: Magento 2.3.3. Patch - Mega Menu changes were merged incorrectly
  • Fixed: Trigger video Lazy load on content update
  • Fixed: Grid banners are missing when cached
  • Fixed: Free shipping bar missing currency when global price format object is not initialized.
  • Fixed: Countdown, Video, Infinite Slide and Vertical Text Rotator widgets id's not always unique.
  • Magento 2.4.7 compatibility
  • New demo "Finland"
  • New: Mobile bottom bar
  • New: Free shipping bar (minicart and cart page)
  • New: Countdown widget - you can set any content (by css class) to hide when it expired.
  • New: Products widget list layouts
  • New: Categories Widget - show current subcategories or selected categories. Cateogory image and products count. Comes as grid, owl carousel and a css based slider.
  • New: Video widget - add video with default or custom controls. Video is lazy loaded when visible on the page. Can be used as banner or hero header background.
  • New: Infinite slide widget - show infinitely running content. Can be paused on hover.
  • New: Vertical content rotator widget
  • New: Price difference - show how much you save directly above the price.
  • Brands slider bordered style


  • You can now choose custom icons for different elements in theme such as add to cart, wishlist, compare, toolbar elements etc.
  • They can be set globaly but also separately for header, product page or empty cart/wishlist.

Product Page​

  • Sticky add to cart bar: top/bottom positions, show/hide different elements of custom content. Various layouts for mobile, etc.
  • Sticky quick navigation menu: show above all content or below the prodct info. Navigate to any content or tabs and auto-open them.
  • Product stock info: show amount of products left in stock, sold amount, low stock, progress bar, etc.
  • Product tabs/accordion - added more controls: allow multiple accordion sections to be opened at the same time (toggles), allow to close all sections, open all of the by default on page load.
  • Accordion Title/Switch Size (Desktop)
  • Mini reviews summary drop down on hover on product rating
  • "More Info" tab content style and font settings
  • Product Page Swatches style and size options - you can for example now set columns or stretch swatchs to container width.
  • Link to full description below the short description
  • Option to hide prices from configurable product variation drop down
  • Option to show customer ratings as stars in reviews list
  • Energy rating attribute (EU)
  • Estimate shipping attribute and block - add estimated shipping per product
  • Change product sku when variation is selected
  • Stretch Add to Cart Width
  • Social share position near title
  • Option to isable sticky header for product page only.
  • Fotorama gallery vetical thumbnails option (so you don't need to edit view.xml)
  • Product gallery thumbnails style option


  • Product thumbnails slider in catalog/product widget. Show all product images or select which images to show for each product, set max amount of images to show. Various dots styles and position.
  • Banners in grid - show banner between products. Set position, content and category.
  • New product grid layouts
  • Fullwidth edge to edge catalog layout (without paddings)
  • Category title alignment
  • Set which filters(attributes) to keep opened/closed by default.
  • Banner below toolbar
  • Closable sidebar
  • Bordered grid style
  • Bordered sidebar style
  • Sidebar checkbox styles
  • You can now show in stock status in grid which was removed for who knows why in initial theme release.
  • Option to trduce contrast for Out of Stock products
  • Quickview Button Styles
  • Added new description field in admin panel to show mini description in catalog.
  • List View font settings for name and price
  • Toolbar style options: bordered, size, icons.


  • Header items can now have text left/below the icon.
  • Custom header Item - you can choose icons and content for drop down/slideout.
  • Each header item can be hidded on mobile. For example if you enable bottom bar and only what to show it there.
  • New banner area above header
  • Closable header top banner. You can add close button to close it and also set a date when to hide the banner automatically.
  • Header items label font/appearance settings
  • Search field new appearance styles: set field/input size, font, border, padding, colors.
  • Search Below Header appearance settings
  • Reorder Products In Minicart to show latest added products to cart instead of the first added.
  • Minicart header item label font/appearance settings

Language/Currency switcher​

  • New style opitions
  • Show icon instead of a flag
  • Now can also be rendered as modal/slideout
  • Can be shown in header

Mega menu​

  • Added all categories drop down. You can choose categories to exclude from this drop down. Can be rendered as a simple drop down or a mega menu with vetical list of categories.
  • You control behaviour of categories in this drop down: Automatically open first/last opened subcateogry when all categories drop down is opened. Do not close last opened category on mouse out and more.
  • add option to show parent item title in drop down
  • image position left/above category name
  • Predefined icons for menu items
  • Overlay background when menu is opened
  • New menu appearance styles (enu Item Arrow Style, Menu Active Font Weight)


  • New layouts with side content
  • Newsletter Above Footer Min Height, font settings, input border
  • Second above footer area, added option to choose on which pages to show above footer blocks.

Carousel Slider​

  • Additional (3rd) content area block (used as a raw content alogn with the normal content)
  • Color options for dots per slide
  • Content Mobile Vertical Align
  • Content Mobile - Swap Order
  • Boxed Contenta layout


  • Reworked css to rely on css vars and reduce amount of dynamic css. This can cause issues if you made customizations and require you to review all of your changes.
  • Replaced overflow hidden with paint accross the theme to allow usage of a position sticky.
  • CMS Banners now will work with video and picture tags
  • New toggles style
  • Added responsive font size and padding classes
  • Added new button style classes
  • Added classes for responsive tag (used on banners as price/discount tag)
  • Added classes for banner with image as bg
  • Added Scrollbar styles
  • Added New tabs minimal style class
  • Font Face moved to separate less file so override of _typography.less no longer required to change default fonts.


  • Reworked animated banners script. Now it is optional and can be disabled. Banners are now initialized only when visible in a viewport and work when cloned (e.g. by owl carousel loop)
  • Removed alot of block from checkout page which are not required there in including 3rd party modules such as magefan blog and revolution slider.
  • New options to control swatches style and size.
  • Modals close button color options
  • Product Old Price Font settings
  • Moved license debug info from messages to logs
  • Added wrapper for brand images on catalog so it can be centerd properly in all conditions
  • Removed magento cookie notice message from quickview
  • Quickview hotspots will now be properly initialized even when content is loaded on demand
  • Fixed duplicated images for zoom on hover on product page
  • Minor css improvements
  • Fixed lazy load error when product has no image and is using magento placeholder
  • Fixed issue with recaptcha in newsletter form in modal
  • Added localstorage alternative to the cookie for newsletter modal "do not show" checkbox.
  • Small improvements to the license system to reduce amount of requests
  • Impoved slideout css so scroll doesn't jump to top when it is opened
  • Minor css improvements
  • Updated Revolution Slider to the latest version 6.6.7 - Now module is compatible with Magento 2.4.6
  • Fixed Instagram module error on post update due to the recent changes in Instagram api.
  • Added additional conditions to check if Imagick php extension is enabled and images can be created by the theme resize functionality.
  • Fixed Olegnax Carousel module missing encode for image alt attribute.
  • Fixed brands slider throw errors when assigned attribute was deleted.
  • Fixed preselect for swatches
  • Fixed magento issue with swatches - tooltip not hidden after click outside.
  • Fixed magento issue with swatches - sometimes not choosing correct product image
  • Fixed some deprecation errors
  • Fixed login modal closes when you click on input suggestions dropdown.
  • thanks @newimage null it .thanks @bilka uploa untouched version
  • Magento 2.4.6 compatibility
  • Please note: that developer of Revolution Slider extension hasn't yet released an update with Magento 2.4.6 Compatibility. So if you are using Revolution slider and plan to upgrade to 2.4.6 then you need to wait for a new version of a Revolution Slider.
  • PHP 8.2 compatibility
  • Added: Recently Viewed Products Widget to Product Slider/Grid module
  • Added: Zoom on Hover for 'No Slider' Product Gallery
  • Fixed: Vertical alignment to top, doesn't work when mega menus drop down inside of another mega menu drop down.
  • Fixed: banner slider, shows the same slides in admin panel due to typo.
  • Fixed: Do not show quickview button if modules are disabled.
  • Fixed: Fullscreen product gallery modal opens wrong image when there is a video on the gallery.
  • Fixed: Stop video in fullscreen product gallery modal when modal is closed or slide is changed.
  • Fixed: Error if not an image is passed to the image resize function ( Undefined array key "extension").
  • When lazy load can't get access to image file it will throw warnings instead of errors and only in developer mode (Images are excluded from lazy load in this case).
  • Improved theme license to reduce amount of requests and make it less aggressive.
  • Updated Revolution Slider package to the latest version -
  • Fixed some php deprecation errors
  • Athlete2 theme lazy load now removing loading=lazy from images to prevent issues on iOS
  • Fixed issue with focus trigger in search input
  • Added a fix for Magento limiter issue AC-6384 in Magento 2.4.5
  • Added an option to disable link for product image on grid on touch devices
  • Fixed possible render issues in admin panel for listing pages of instagram, google maps, carousel modules.
  • Olegnax Infinite Scroll updated package to the latest version
  • Layered Navigation Module: fixed deprication in js
  • Updated patch for amasty search module
  • Fixed double search button in slideout, in patch for amasty search module

Core Module​

  • Update news feed on settings save instead of cache clear
  • Fixed owl carousel CLS – occupy space for owl carousel while it is loading
  • Core module now removes owl-lazy from picture tags which can be added by some 3rd party modules and break carousel
  • Compatibility with Magento 2.4.5
  • Compatibility fix for Magefan blog 2.10.10
  • Fixed ios qty input double arrows
  • Fixed missing width/height image attributes for some blog widget layouts
  • Fixed possible theme validation issue
  • Fixed theme option missing default value
  • Lazy load - some compatibility improvements for ios
  • Fixed some missed php deprecation errors
  • Fixed double search button on mobile in amasty search patches