- Fix: Resolved issue where the selected page builder was resetting after a page refresh.
- New:
- AI Builder: Added functionality to save failed site creations and allow reimporting them.
- AI Builder: Displaying users ZipWP plan information.
- AI Builder: Displaying alert notice when AI site generation count is nearing its limit.
- AI Builder: Added an option to choose the type of store when the Ecommerce feature is selected.
- Design Kit: Introduced filter `ast_block_templates_exclude_post_types` to exclude asset loading for specified post types.
- Introduced eCommerce feature for classic templates along with some UI tweaks.
- NPS form now includes a back button for better usability and rating edits.
- Improvements:
- AI Builder: Resume Session popup will now restore the step where the user left off.
- AI Builder: Improved images upload process for better performance and user experience.
- AI Builder: Showing Premium template notice on customizer screen if user has free plan.
- AI Builder: Added a validation on Image upload to check if the image URL is valid.
- Design Kit: Added loading skeleton when uploading the images on AI onboarding.
- Design Kit: Added images validation on AI onboarding.
- Fix:
- AI Builder: Customizer 'Show site title' option was not applied correctly during site import.
- Design Kit: Resolved CSS conflicts with the WordPress core blocks.
- Design Kit: Fixed PHP warning when generating content.
- Design Kit: Content was not getting generated in the selected language.
- Images Library: Resolved issue where image search results reset to default after applying filters.
- New:
- AI Builder : Added a filter to update default website language.
- AI Builder : Added image replacement compatibility for archive product banner image.
- Added filter to disable the "Design Kit" library.
- Improvements:
- Design Kit: Enhanced API performance by optimizing execution times and reducing delays.
- Free Images : Enhanced UI for better user experience.
- Better database handling for the NPS.
- Fixes:
- Design Kit: Corrected styling issues for patterns/pages preview to ensure consistent display.
- Design Kit: Addressed CSS conflicts with SureCart blocks to prevent styling discrepancies.
- After import images were not getting replaced for classic Elementor templates.
- New:
- AI Builder: Enhanced onboarding UI.
- Design Kit: Enhanced personalized library steps UI.
- Improvements:
- Switched from using transient to option data for storing information.
- AI Builder: Enabled business descriptions to be generated in the selected language.
- Design Kit: Converted Spectra common stylesheet to a JSON file instead of an option variable.
- Design Kit: Hidden Update Image option until the user personalizes the library.
- Design Kit:Blocked block pages preview if import is in process.
- Fixes:
- Fixed issue where user input was not getting prefilled when switching between steps.
- Ensured required plugins for selected features are correctly installed.
- Resolved an issue where some classic editor templates were getting stuck during import.
- Fixed issue where the default logo was not getting replaced for classic templates.
- AI Builder: Removed the condition that showed the site limit exceed popup for all sites.
- Design Kit: Fixed issue where the Favorites functionality was not working in certain cases.
- Design Kit: Addressed problem where related block pages were not displaying in some scenarios.
- Design Kit: Fixed content regeneration for a category.
- Design Kit: Resolved visibility issue with the "Design Kit" button in WordPress 6.6 with the full site editor.
- Improvement: Improved the UI/UX.
- Improvement: AI Builder - Better error message handling.
- Improvement: AI Builder - Added new icon for the ecommerce feature.
- Improvement: Improved the way Starter Templates translate strings in the script.
- Fix: AI Builder - Fixed an issue where the template preview designs were showing ternary operation results as HTML.
- Fix: AI Builder - Required plugins data was incorrect on the Elementor templates screen.
- Fix: AI Builder - Social icons title was not translation-ready.
- Fix: AI Builder - Fixed an issue where the import process was failing after changing the site language.
- Fix: Resolved a fatal error encountered with the Ghost Kit plugin.
- New: AI Builder - Added script translation with a filter to update the text domain for script translation.
- Improvement: ZipAI - Added WordPress 6.6 compatibility.
- Improvement: Hardcoded index are made dynamic.
- Fix: AI Builder - Premium badge was not showing for Premium templates.
- Fix: Footer widgets was not getting imported for AI & Classic templates.
- New:
- Added NPS Survey.
- Improvements:
- Updated "What's New" library.
- Enhanced sidebar for classic editor to align with AI Builder.
- Updated pre-import screen for classic templates.
- Standardized text-domain to "astra-aites" for all libraries.
- Refreshed font pairs.
- Removed duplicate code.
- Fix:
- Upload logo and selected color pallete was not getting imported for FSE.
- Design Kit - Business category now pre-fills correctly during onboarding.
- AI Builder - Business name now resets after clicking "Start Over."
- AI Builder - "Resume Session" popup no longer appears after site creation.
- AI Builder - Business type now pre-fills correctly when site is created from ZipWP platform.
- AI Builder - Hover color for accent color is now a CSS variable.
- AI Builder - Correct icon now appears for the Contact Form feature.
- Fix: AI Builder - Resolved an issue preventing users from continuing to the next step if the business type input was entered manually.
- Fix: Design Kit - Resolved an issue where adding social media URLs caused an error when proceeding to the next step.
- Chore: AI-Builder - Included build files.
- Improvement: AI-Builder - Added ability to skip the Features screen using a filter.
- Improvement: AI-Builder - Improved UI/UX.
- Fix: AI-Builder - Site creation limit exceeded popup was not displaying.
- Fix: AI-Builder - Removed irrelevant error messages from logs during import failures.