Amasty SEO Toolkit Pro for Magento 2

Amasty SEO Toolkit Pro for Magento 2 1.1.7 Lite

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no change log for this version
  • Compatibility now the extension is compatible with Magento 2.4.5-p2, 2.4.6
  • Improvement we updated the amasty_seotoolkit_redirect table primary key which now allows to create more records
  • Fix we resolved the issue with errors occurred while Unit Tests running
  • Fix we removed undefined classes that caused the issue during SEO Toolkit premium version installation
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Reactions: danykawol
this version need remove all old version files.
and upload new

  • New now the extension provides functionality to optimize images (Premium)
  • New now it is possible to add Open Graph tags to product, category, and CMS pages (Pro)
  • New we added an option to automatically generate new product URLs based on the specified URL template. Now there is no need to run the command each time a new product is added (Pro)
  • New we introduced functionality to separate sitemaps based on the entity types included in them (Pro)
  • New now it is possible to exclude categories from sitemap via tree instead of having to type each category URL separately (Pro)
  • New we added an option to create redirects to external resources (Lite)
  • New we added functionality to create automatic redirects for removed products and categories (Lite)
2.0.0 - Nov 26, 2021
  • New we reworked SEO Toolkit solutions. SEO Toolkit sub-module has been separated from the SEO Toolkit package and is currently provided as an individual new SEO Toolkit Lite solution. Previous SEO Toolkit Lite solution has been upgraded to Pro. SEO Toolkit Premium solution feature set has been adjusted. You can find up-to-date solution information in a feature table. Please note: all previously purchased solutions will remain available with the features they had initially.
  • New we reworked SEO Toolkit solutions. SEO Toolkit sub-module has been separated from the SEO Toolkit package and is currently provided as an individual new SEO Toolkit Lite solution. Previous SEO Toolkit Lite solution has been upgraded to Pro. SEO Toolkit Premium solution feature set has been adjusted. You can find up-to-date solution information in a feature table. Please note: all previously purchased solutions will remain available with the features they had initially.
  • New we reworked SEO Toolkit solutions. SEO Toolkit sub-module has been separated from the SEO Toolkit package and is currently provided as an individual new SEO Toolkit Lite solution. Previous SEO Toolkit Lite solution has been upgraded to Pro. SEO Toolkit Premium solution feature set has been adjusted. You can find up-to-date solution information in a feature table. Please note: all previously purchased solutions will remain available with the features they had initially.
  • New we added an option to specify the default ROBOTS tag for categories (Lite)
  • New we added an option to specify the default ROBOTS tag for categories (Lite)
  • New we added an option to specify the default ROBOTS tag for categories (Lite)
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Reactions: danykawol