Amasty Advanced Product Reviews for Magento 2

Amasty Advanced Product Reviews for Magento 2 V1.12.2 (very old version)

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Author raftaar
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Magento2 Compatibility
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Amasty Advanced Product Reviews for Magento 2
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business Amasty Advanced Product Reviews for Magento 2 V1.12.2 (very old version) version on NullPro Community. From Amasty Advanced Product Reviews for Magento 2 have 7 Description Attachments, 1 Reviews, 424 Views.

Mautic Magento Integration Key Features​

Mautic brings you a opportunity to download and install a free, open source marketing automation software that automates the business and makes the processing and operations, effortless.

Marketing Automation​

Capture and provide Mautic with independent variables in form of customer's data which increases the conversion of the automated marketing campaigns.

Product Recommendation​

Recommend the products to your customers on the basis of their buying history and skyrocket the sales growth by more than 31%.

Abandoned Cart Recovery​

Shoot the abandoned cart recovery e-mail campaign, remind customers of the products in their abandoned cart, offer them coupons, and convert the cart into sales.

Popup Forms​

Use the ultra-responsive popup form with focus item feature, expand your customer database, and enable them to use the drag & drop feature.

Order Follow-up​

Send the follow-up emails to buyers, encourage them to make more purchase, and inculcate a trustworthy buying factor in them by sending personalized messages.

Customer Segmentation​

Using our customer segmentation feature, procure the customers’ purchase history, track them, convert them, and turn them into your loyal customers
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