• New we added an 'Auto Login Lifetime Period' for abandoned cart emails to enhance the security of automatic logins
  • Improvement we added the setting allowing to limit the number of abandoned cart products displayed in the email
  • Fix we fixed the tracking of the number of times abandoned cart emails are opened
  • Fix we replaced the Zend classes with the Laminas
  • Fix we fixed the issue related to adding abandoned carts to the mailing queue caused by time zone differences
New now it is possible to customize Abandoned Cart coupons' names (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
Improvement we added the possibility to set up Abandoned Cart coupons' expiry date format (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
Fix we fixed the Discount and Total wrong calculation issue in the emails
Fix we corrected the 'Revenue' calculation in the reports
  • Improvement we improved the Transactional Email setting dependencies to avoid mailing schedule configuration issues
  • Fix now invalid emails are blacklisted as they should
  • Fix the issue with a coupon applying when 'Coupon is Available Only for Email Recipient' is enabled was resolved
  • Fix we fixed the products quantity issue in the mini cart when the product was added via the Abandoned Cart email