Alter Reports

Alter Reports 3.4.0

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  1. 3.x
  2. 4.x
  3. 5.x
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Complete full-featured tool for preview and download of SQL reports
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business Alter Reports 3.4.0 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 2.6 MB File size. From Alter Reports have 1 Description Attachments, 15 Views.

  • View and download reports in both frontend and backend.
  • Nested categories for reports.
  • Frontend views of categories (list of categories), category (reports from category) and single report.
  • Using different databases for loading reports data. Standard Joomla database drivers are supported including MSSQL via 'Microsoft SQL Server Driver for PHP'.
  • Creating of reports by entering SQL query, editing of query with SQL profile and explain results, easy inserting of tags and database tables into query.
  • Configurable filters for reports of few types (text field, text area, drop-down lists, checkboxes, radio inputs with either manually entered options or options loaded via SQL query), filter's values can be used in query as via tags.
  • Conditional statements for query: certain parts of SQL can be executed only if filter's value was entered.
  • Search in report and download selected rows only.
  • Ordering of report by column.
  • Report can be downloaded in configurable CSV, XLS, XLSX, PDF, HTML and XML formats. PDF documents can be customized via custom HTML templates.
  • Rich customization of report views, HTML, XLS and XLSX formats (borders, colors, backgrounds etc., separate styles for headings, subheadings, data rows and footer row).
  • Subheadings with ability to span above few heading columns.
  • Footer row: each column can have custom footer value or auto-calculated values (minimum, maximum, average and sum). XLS reports can have footer values either pre-calculated or have formulas (built-in AVERAGE(), SUM(), MIN(), MAX() or you can use own formula with replaceable tags of column data rows coordinates).
  • Each report column can have own style applied for report views, HTML, PDF, XLS and XLSX formats.
  • 3-levels of style settings: global settings, individual report settings, column settings: you can easily change styles for all reports.
  • Count of report views and downloads.
  • Access levels for categories of reports, reports, available formats and columns.
  • HTML and PHP pre-processors for columns values: you can wrap a value into HTML code or change it via PHP.
  • Current Joomla user-related and GET variables tags with conditional elements in query (query can be different for user with different usergroups).
  • Ability to delete selected report rows in backend and frontend.
  • Ability to embed reports into articles via special {reportid=x} tag (Joomla content plugin is included).
  • Ability to group report rows by column.
  • Ability to email reports via special link (great feature to receive reports scheduled by a cronjob).
  • Import/Export of reports in XML - helps to transfer your reports between local and live servers.
  • Custom .ttf fonts support for HTML-based reports including PDF (fonts are embedded into .pdf documents).
  • Selection of PDF generation engine: either server-independent 'dompdf' or more powerful 'wkhtmltopdf' engine can be used. 'wkhtmltopdf' engine requires wkhtmltopdf library to be installed on your server.
  • to be continued...
Extention type
File size
2.6 MB
First release
Last update
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