Akeeba Solo Pro

Akeeba Solo Pro

No permission to download
  • ! Cannot complete the setup due to an inversion of login in the Setup view
  • + Separate remote and local quota settings
  • # [MEDIUM] Clicking on Backup Now would start the backup automatically
  • + Automatically downgrade utf8mb4_900_* collations to utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci on MariaDB
  • + Joomla restoration: allows you to change the robots (search engine) option
  • ~ Change the message when the PHP or WordPress requirements are not met in available updates
  • ~ Remove the message about the release being 120 days old

  • - Removed support for Akeeba Backup JSON API v1 (APIv1)
  • - Removed support for the legacy Akeeba Backup JSON API endpoint (wp-content/plugins/akeebabackupwp/app/index.php)
  • # [MEDIUM] PHP error when adding Solo to the backup
+ Minimum PHP version is now 7.4.0
+ Using Composer to load all internal dependencies (AWF, backup engine, S3 library)
+ Workaround for Wasabi S3v4 signatures
+ Support for uploading to Shared With Me folders in Google Drive
~ Improved error reporting, removing the unhelpful "(HTML containing script tags)" message
~ Improved mixed– and upper–case database prefix support at backup time
# [MEDIUM] Resetting corrupt backups can cause a crash of the Control Panel page
# [MEDIUM] Upload to S3 would always use v2 signatures with a custom endpoint.
# [MEDIUM] Some transients need data replacements to take place in WP 6.3
+ Support for ShowOn to conditionally show options in the Configuration page
# [HIGH] Single part uploads to Azure stopped working
# [LOW] Fixed triggering automatic backups while using WordPress AJAX entry point

New features​

  • Support for MySQL SSL connections for Akeeba Solo's database
  • Support for MySQL SSL/TLS connections for backed up sites
  • Support for custom Amazon S3 regions

Bug fixes​

  • [LOW] Fix wrong lang string for “Set a large memory limit”
  • [LOW] PHP warnings in the application setup page, proxy fields

Miscellaneous changes​

  • More detailed error information in Debug Mode

New features​

  • Much improved FTP functions for uploading backup archives and transferring sites
  • OneDrive for Business: you can now use Drives other than your personal
  • Upload to Azure BLOB Storage now supports chunked uploads, files up to 190.7TB (up from 64Mb)

Bug fixes​

  • [LOW] Downloading the Pro version upgrade may fail with a cURL error
  • [LOW] Wrong error handler when installing updates makes the update look hanged when there's an error
  • [MEDIUM] OneDrive: Uploads may fail if they are between 4Mb and 100Mb

Miscellaneous changes​

  • Stricter conditions for determining when to show the “Manage remotely stored files” button in Manage Backups

New features​

  • Allow using [REMOTESTATUS] in the email subject, not just the body
  • Joomla restoration: modify domains in the Admin Tools' Allowed Domains and server config maker features if necessary

Bug fixes​

  • [HIGH] Problems restoring if a table name ends in 0 when another table with an identical name EXCEPT the trailing zero is also being backed up
  • [LOW] RackSpace CloudFiles: some hosts change the case of HTTP headers
  • [MEDIUM] Log Priorities global configuration option got mangled restoring a Joomla 4 site
+ Improved error handling allows reporting PHP fatal errors (only available on sites using PHP 7)
# [LOW] Fixed typos that could create issues with servers using very restrictive security rules
# [LOW] (S)FTP connection test would report "false" instead of the reason of failure
# [LOW] Fixed archive download using the browser under some circustances

~ Possible exception when the user has erroneously put their backup output directory to the site's root with open_basedir restrictions restricting access to its parent folder.
# [MEDIUM] OneDrive for Business is not working at all in Akeeba Solo

+ Automatic security check of the backup output directory
+ Option to change post GUIDs on restoration
+ Yes/No toggles are now colorful instead of plain teal
~ Renamed helper functions
~ Improved storage of temporary data during backup [akeeba/engine#114]
~ Log files now have a .php extension to prevent unauthorized access in very rare cases
~ Enforce the recommended, sensible security measures when using the default backup output directory
~ Ongoing JavaScript refactoring
~ Google Drive: fetch up to 100 shared drives (previously: up to 10)
# [MEDIUM] CloudFiles post-processing engine: Fixed file uploads
# [MEDIUM] Swift post-processing engine: Fixed file uploads
# [LOW] Send by Email reported a successful email sent as a warning
# [LOW] Too many (removed and no longer working) options for site types in the Configuration Wizard.
# [LOW] Extra greater-than sign in the Configuration icon's URL in the Control Panel page
# [LOW] The tooltips visual style was slightly broken
# [LOW] Database dump: foreign keys' (constraints) and local indices' names did not get their prefix replaced like tables, views etc do