Affiliate Power Premium

Affiliate Power Premium 2.4.0 Nulled

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Affiliate Marketing should be easy and effective!
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Download and Discuss Premium, Business Affiliate Power Premium 2.4.0 Nulled version on NullPro Community. It is rar Extention type and 199.6 KB File size. From Affiliate Power Premium have 1 Description Attachments, 202 Views.

The premium version of the Affiliate Power plugin is a powerful instrument that analyses all your affiliate revenue. Not only do you see all your receipts at a glance, you also learn where the user came from. You can now focus on things that pay!
Affiliate Marketing should be easy and effective!

As an affiliate you may know this: To get an overview over your income, you have to login into x different networks which all have different backends and statistics.

To compare the statistics, you have to export everything, paste it into Excel, convert it etc. You really have better things to do with your time.

That’s what I thought as well and that’s why I made the WordPress Plugin Affiliate Power.

Affiliate Power imports your sales of various affiliate networks. That gives you up to date income reviews and statistics right in your WordPress backend. The basic version is absolutely free. The [premium version]( actually tracks which post, referer, campaign, and device has brought the sale. You'll finally know what really pays.


Features, which only exist in the premium version are *emphasized*.
* Supported Networks: adcell, awin, belboon, commission junction, financeads, digistore24, tradedoubler
* Filter your import per website
* Overview over all sales
* Automatic daily infomail on new or changed sales
* Export all Sales as Excel-CSV
* *Track income per Posts, Pages, Referer, Keywords URL-Parameters like utm_campaign, and device (mobile or desktop)*
* Detailed statistics over any period with income per partner, networks, days, weeks, months, *posts, landing pages, referer, URL-parameters, and devices*

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199.6 KB
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