Affiliate add-on | Infix LMS Laravel Learning Management System

Affiliate add-on | Infix LMS Laravel Learning Management System 1.4.0

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a powerful tool designed to empower users with comprehensive functionalities
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business Affiliate add-on | Infix LMS Laravel Learning Management System 1.4.0 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 9.9 MB File size. From Affiliate add-on | Infix LMS Laravel Learning Management System have 1 Description Attachments, 1 discussion, 140 Views.

The Learning Management System (LMS) Affiliate Module is a powerful tool designed to empower users with comprehensive functionalities for managing affiliate activities. It is tailored to enhance the affiliate experience, providing a user-friendly interface and robust features to maximize engagement and earnings.


Key Features:​

  • One Click Affiliate: The existing user can join an affiliate program by clicking the JOIN AFFILIATE button.
  • Overview Dashboard: Track affiliate performance metrics, including Current Balance and Pending Earnings, on a comprehensive dashboard.
  • Affiliate Link Creation: Users can generate affiliate links as much as want.
  • Financial Transactions: TInitiate financial transactions easily, including Balance Transfer to the wallet, Withdrawal requests, and Commission Approval.
  • Pending Withdraw and Confirm Withdraw: dmin can track affiliate withdrawal requests, including pending and confirmed.
  • Paypal Account Integration: Withdraw commissions by integrating a PayPal account for a smooth and reliable process.
  • Custom Page Design: Allows users to design pages with custom components and dynamic content.
  • Documentation and Support: If you have questions, you can get help through the Support section, including a Support Ticket system for specific issues.
  • User List: The admin can view and manage the list of affiliated users, including approval of pending users.
  • Information Retrieval and Downloads: Access and manage key information in sections like Affiliate Links, Commission History, and Withdraw History, and download data for comprehensive reporting.

How Infix LMS Affiliate Add-on Work:

  • Verify and Active
  • Setup Affiliate configure
  • Affiliate Link Generation: Uers generate unique affiliate links provided by the LMS Affiliate Module.
  • Traffic and Conversions: Affiliates share these links to drive traffic to the Learning Management System. Conversions and user activities through these links are tracked.
  • Dashboard Monitoring: Affiliates monitor their performance through the Overview Dashboard, tracking key metrics.
  • Financial Transactions: Affiliates can initiate financial transactions such as Balance Transfers to Wallet or Withdraw Requests.
  • Commission Approval: Commissions are tracked, and the Commission Approval feature ensures transparency in the payout process.
  • Data Management: Users can filter and manage data, including pending tasks, through dedicated pages.
  • User Information Page: Access comprehensive insights into affiliate program participants through the User Information Page.
  • Customization: Users can customize affiliate pages, select templates, and input content for a personalized experience.
Extention type
File size
9.9 MB
First release
Last update
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