Advanced Themer for Bricks

Advanced Themer for Bricks 2.7.1

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* NEW: CSS Grid Builder
* IMPROVE: Bricks colors compatibility improved in Gutenberg
* FIX: Unnecessary padding on spacing controls
* FIX: Structure panel wasn't dragging without the elements shortcuts
* NEW: Style Overview Shortcut
* NEW: Export option in Class Manager
* NEW: “Lock ID Styles” for elements with Global Classes
* IMPROVE: Expand Spacing Controls improved
* IMPROVE: Draggable Structure Panel Improved
* IMPROVE: Component Class Manager improved
* IMPROVE: Responsive Helper improved + bug fix
* IMPROVE: Tabs Shortcut improved
* NEW: Responsive Helper
* NEW: Enable / Disable any Bricks element
* NEW: Draggable Structure Panel
* IMPROVE: Plain Classes improved
* IMPROVE: Preview Classes on Hover has been improved
* IMPROVE: Bulk duplicate classes improved
* IMPROVE: Strict Editor View improved
* IMPROVE: Variable Manager enhancement
* IMPROVE: Import/Export/Reset settings improved
* IMPROVE: Grid guides revamped
* IMPROVE/FIX: SuperPower CSS: bug fixes and enhancements
* FIX: Fatal Error “Uncaught Error: Class “Bricks\Elements” not found”
* FIX: Wrong base font-size calculated inside the builder
* FIX: The structure helper isn’t showing correctly on template pages
* FIX: Error with imported elements generated by Nimbufy
* FIX: Imported Classes not previewing inside the Builder
* FIX: Duplicate Color Palette bug
* FIX: Error with Tab shortcut & Lock ID styles
* NEW: Variable Manager v1
* NEW: Complementary Color Generator
* NEW: Auto-darkmode
* NEW: Import colors from a CSS variable List
* NEW: Enable/Disable any Color Palette
* NEW: Structure Panel Helper
* NEW: CSS keyboard Shortcuts
* NEW: Class Manager Shorcut
* NEW: Element CSS Shorcut
* NEW: Expand Spacing Controls
* IMPROVE: Advanced CSS improved
* IMPROVE: Variable Picker improved
* IMPROVE: New “full-size” option in Superpower CSS
* IMPROVE: Comments added to Superpower CSS
* IMPROVE: Description added to the Class Manager
* ... and tons of small bug fixes and UX enhancements
* IMPROVE: Superpower CSS improved
* IMPROVE: Style Overview improved
* IMPROVE: Import ID styles to classes improved
* FIX: Duplicated prefix in the color variables
* IMPROVE: Duplicated CSS variable suggestions in the Superpower CSS dropdown
* IMPROVE: Color variables were missing inside the suggestion dropdowns
* IMPROVE: The data-theme attribute is now toggling correctly inside the builder
* IMPROVE: “Focus on first unlocked class” improved
* FIX: “Disable auto-expand” wasn’t respected in Superpower CSS
* FIX: Blank screen errors for editors using the Strict Editor Mode
* FIX: Error opening the Advanced CSS modal when no CSS is set on the current page
* FIX: Minor CSS fixes inside the builder (light theme)
* Group classes by Lock Status
* Save your Global CSS from the builder
* Import your Custom CSS from each element to your Global CSS
* Autogenerate your CSS declarations
* Extract your classes from the Advanced CSS and save them as Bricks Global Classes
* Suggestion dropdown incorrectly triggered on German keyboards
* Element shortcut not working on Archive pages
* ACF has been upgraded
* Indicators functions have been refactored
* Empty Accordion Panels in the Style Tab
* Styles in the Content Tab are now hidden when the “Lock ID styles” feature is enabled
* Compatibility issue with WP Grid Builder
* Style Overview reporting wrong values on mobile-first breakpoints since 1.8.4
* The “CSS variables” tab inside the Advanced CSS panel has been deprecated
* The imported CSS files weren’t showing correctly inside the Advanced CSS panel
* Autoclose variable brackets didn’t support the !important tag
* Indicators not showing correctly when “autofocus on first unlocked class” is enabled
* Click outside the Structure Panel didn’t unselect the active element
* Tag Manager improved
* JS error in the Structure Panel
* Focus on the container when adding a section through shortcuts improved
* Export/Import ID Styles to Classes improved
* Extend Classes improved
* Remove a white space in the Structure Panel
* Fixed Style Overview not displaying correctly on Firefox Dev edition
* Fixed the property filter inside Style Overview wasn’t displaying correctly after a 0 result search.
* Fixed Global classes weren’t updated correctly when the Superpower Custom CSS feature was enabled
* Fixed multiple “root” items weren’t parsed correctly inside the code editor controls when the Superpower Custom CSS feature was enabled
* Fixed changes to a cloned class were affecting the original class too.
* New “move element” function inside the structure panel
* New “Delete Wrappers & Move Children Up” function
* The “Hide element” function is now dynamic
* New “Highlight Nested Elements” function in the structure panel
* New “Highlight Parent Elements” function in the structure panel
* Preview the CSS variables from the autocomplete suggestion dropdown
* Autofocus on the AT’s input fields
* Save input fields with keyboard shortcuts
* Bug fixes