Advanced Search Module

Advanced Search Module 4.12.9

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Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessAdvanced Search Module 4.12.9 version on NullPro Community. From Advanced Search Module have 2 discussion, 624 Views.
The best multifunctional navigation module for PrestaShop! An application for online stores that offer a wide range of products. Advanced Search 4 allows you to add any number of search engines and place them anywhere on the page.

The module search process is based on the specified filters. Filters allow for varied and convenient navigation. They will help your customers find products that match their query criteria in a minimum number of clicks. Advanced Search 4 was designed to fulfill your query as quickly as possible, even for catalogs that contain several thousand products or categories.

You can choose from 3 types of search engines:
- Search the entire catalog:
- Search a selection of products: searches are conducted on the page on which the user is located.
- Step-by-step search: search criteria are refined and reproduced while the user formulates his request.

In addition to its core function, Advanced Search is also known as one of the best indexing solutions. It is built into the page generator optimized for SEO, which allows you to increase accessibility without duplicating pages!
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