Admin Menu Editor Pro - WordPress Plugin

Admin Menu Editor Pro - WordPress Plugin 2.27.4

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##### Added
* Added many new admin menu customization settings. This includes: menu width, menu bar shadow, item font size and style, item margins and padding, full-height menu option, custom logo above the admin menu, custom "collapse" button text, and so on. To access these settings, click the "Style" button in the menu editor sidebar.

##### Fixed
* Fixed a minor conflict with the WPForms plugin where the hidden menu item "Dashboard -> Welcome to WPForms" became visible when Admin Menu Editor was installed.
* Fixed a conflict with Toolset Types 3.4.7 that prevented redirect settings from being saved.
* Fixed a PHP warning triggered when a menu item didn't have a URL or a required capability.
* Fixed a plugin visibility bug where, if none of the user's roles had custom access settings for a specific plugin or in general, AME would immediately deny access instead of also checking user capabilities. This could theoretically happen if all the user's roles were new or if the user didn't have any roles (they might still have access due to directly granted capabilities).
* Fixed a fatal error ("array_merge(): Argument #1 must be of type array") and multiple warnings that were caused by third-party roles that had an invalid capability list. The list should be an `array`, but for some custom roles it is apparently `null` or `false`.
* Prevented a potential fatal error if JSON-encoded module settings stored in the database have been corrupted and can't be decoded.
* Fixed a bug where changing the title of a dashboard widget did not change the title shown in the "Screen Options" panel.
* Fixed PHP notice about enqueueing the "wp-editor" script incorrectly. The notice only appeared on the "Appearance -> Widgets" page.
* Fixed the "Hide the Gutenberg options menu" setting not working in recent WP versions.
* Added some missing `.map` files that could cause 404 errors for users looking at the developer console.

##### Changed
* The "Separators" and "Colors" buttons were removed from the menu editor and the corresponding settings were moved to the new "Style" screen.
* Lots of internal reorganization.
* Tested up to WP 6.2.
* Fixed multiple nested submenu layout issues that showed up when the admin menu was in the folded/collapsed state.
* Tested up to WP 6.1.
Download Admin Menu Editor Pro v2.18.0 + Addons Nulled Free
= v2.18 (2022-08-30) =

##### Requirements
* Increased the minimum required PHP version to 5.6. Technically, some AME features may still work on older PHP versions, but those versions are now officially unsupported.

#### Added
* Added a way to delete meta box settings associated with post types and taxonomies that no longer exist.

##### Fixed
* Fixed a number of deprecation warnings related to PHP 8.
* Fixed a conflict with "Anti-Spam by CleanTalk" that could potentially cause a fatal error.
* Fixed a conflict with "Admin Theme - Musik" where the menu order settings in the other plugin would override the menu order configured in AME.
* Fixed a subtle conflict with plugins that use the boolean value TRUE as a capability name. For example, "Admin Columns Pro - WooCommerce" version 3.7.3 caused the "manage_woocommerce" capability to disappear.
* Fixed missing padding in the "edit plugin details" panel (in the "Plugins" tab). Also updated the button layout to match the new button layout of the "Quick Edit" panel introduced in WP 6.0.
* Fixed a visual issue where some form fields might briefly show up and then disappear if the settings page stylesheet took a while to load.

##### Changed
* Removed dependency on the "icon16" CSS class. The class is likely to be removed in WP 6.1.
##### Added
* Added a new "Settings -> Easy Hide" admin page. This page collects most Admin Menu Editor Pro settings that are related to hiding things and provides a centralized interface for turning those settings on/off for different roles. The intent is to help people who primarily use this plugin to hide parts of the admin dashboard or clean up the interface for their users. If you don't need this feature, you can turn it off in the "Settings" tab: find the "Modules" section and uncheck the "Easy Hide" option.

##### Fixed
* Added additional validation and escaping in multiple places.
* Fixed a number of issues related to the WordPress coding standard and the WordPress-VIP-Go coding standard.
* Fixed visual misalignment of the "Extra capability" field and its drowpdown dropdown button in the "Permissions" dialog.
* Fixed inconsistent spacing aroud some radio buttons on the settings page.
* Fixed a fatal error during dashboard widget import. This bug affected only the "Import" button in the "Dashboard Widgets" tab; it did not affect the "Import" tab.

##### Changed
* Introduced a limit to how many unique menu URLs can be remembered by the "highlight new menu items" feature. Previously, when this feature was enabled, the plugin would record each "seen" menu item, which could cause the associated database entry to grow endlessly. Now the plugin will remember up to 700 items per user.
* Tested with WordPress 6.0 (release candidate) and 6.1-alpha.