- XF Compatibility
- 2.2.x
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- Download and Discuss Premium, Business[AddonsLab] Unread Post Count 1.6.0 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 39.6 KB File size. From [AddonsLab] Unread Post Count have 5 discussion, 5 Updates, 495 Views.
The add-on shows the number of unread posts on What's New tab. This is the migration of XenForo 1.x add-on "Unread Post Count" by @Chris D and includes all its features. The option to configure the cache timeout is in "Threads, discussions and conversations" options group, as before.
As XenForo 2.x has introduced a new Navigation engine, we have created another add-on - " [AddonsLab] Navigation Badge", that allows any third-parties and admins to add different badges to any navigation item. The add-on is required for this add-on to work and can be downloaded for free at
Any other navigation tab can show the number of unread posts by configuring it to use a callback for the badge with class name "AL\UnreadPostCount\Callback" and method "getUnreadPostCount". This is the default setup for "What's New" button after add-on installation.
The badge is added using default XenForo 2.x layout/styling, but it can be easily styled for each case using CSS only by using "nav{navigationItemIdHere}" class. For example:
.customBadgeContainer.navwhatsNew:after {
top: -10px;
will make the badge in What's New tab to be on the top-right corner.
As XenForo 2.x has introduced a new Navigation engine, we have created another add-on - " [AddonsLab] Navigation Badge", that allows any third-parties and admins to add different badges to any navigation item. The add-on is required for this add-on to work and can be downloaded for free at
Any other navigation tab can show the number of unread posts by configuring it to use a callback for the badge with class name "AL\UnreadPostCount\Callback" and method "getUnreadPostCount". This is the default setup for "What's New" button after add-on installation.
The badge is added using default XenForo 2.x layout/styling, but it can be easily styled for each case using CSS only by using "nav{navigationItemIdHere}" class. For example:
.customBadgeContainer.navwhatsNew:after {
top: -10px;
will make the badge in What's New tab to be on the top-right corner.