ACF Views Pro for WordPress

ACF Views Pro for WordPress 1.9.12 Nulled

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allows to display selected ACF fields or Posts anywhere using shortcodes etc
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business ACF Views Pro for WordPress 1.9.12 Nulled version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 398.8 KB File size. From ACF Views Pro for WordPress have 3 discussion, 3 Updates, 218 Views.
The plugin allows to display selected ACF fields or Posts anywhere using shortcodes, HTML markup is created automatically by the plugin

HTML Markup can be edited​

For more advanced layouts, edit the markup output of your view and card with endless possibilities.
Do you want to add a custom variable or change the default post markup to get 2 columns? This feature is made for you.
Still without coding, to change the default markup only HTML knowledge is necessary.

Full control of HTML

Easily edit in admin panel without PHP skills

Custom variables can be added
PRO Feature

Filter posts by meta and taxonomies. Use AJAX pagination​

Make your post selection more precise with meta field filters or taxonomy filters.
Use AJAX pagination (button, page numbers or infinity scroll) for a set of posts without coding!

Filter by meta fields (including complex queries) without hassle

Filter by taxonomies (including complex queries) without hassle

Enable AJAX pagination with a single checkbox
PRO Feature

Repeater field type supported​

Unlock the use of repeater field type to display your set of items within a View (instead of creating a CPT).
Do you want to have a grid or a list in your view? This feature is made for you.

Repeater with sub fields within a view

Your own set of items

Edit markup for sub fields
PRO Feature

Custom Gutenberg blocks are generated on the fly​

Creating your own Gutenberg blocks have never been this easy. Turn on a special checkbox in your view that will add a new Gutenberg block to your blocks library. All chosen fields will be available for populating by admins, markup from the View will be used to display the block. Use the block sitewide, even multiple times per page.
PRO Feature

Extended support for field types​

All field types are supported in the Basic version.
With the Pro version you receive the extended functionality for complex fields, with more options to display them.
Use Relationship and Post Object types to display fields from a related post.
Use Gallery field type with Masonry and Lightbox options.
PRO Feature

Plugin’s shortcodes can be added to pages/CPT items without editing code
Mount Points allow you to add a shortcode to non editable places, that usually require editing PHP templates. Simply ‘Mount’ a shortcode to the target place by using the position control and limiting to specific posts or post types.

Nulled Method:
Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of: Bronze Member
Extention type
File size
398.8 KB
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

1.9.12 Nulled - 2023-09-01
CSS/JS assets: improved buffering
1.9.5 Nulled - 2023-07-03
Card: new filter (posts_data)
1.9.2 Nulled - 2023-05-20
- Date fields within group/repeater: fixed bug

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