Abril by TypeTogether 2021-07-06

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Download and Discuss Premium, Business Abril by TypeTogether 2021-07-06 version with External download URL on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. There are store on a third-party network disk platform. From Abril by TypeTogether have 1 Description Attachments, 261 Views.

Conceived specifically for intensive editorial use, whether it is in newspapers, magazines or digital media, Abril is a font family of two worlds. The titling weights, based on a contemporary revamp of classic Didone styles, display both neutrality and strong presence on the page, attracting the reader’s attention with measured tension in its curves, good color and high contrast. It also features typographic niceties such as ornaments, borders, special dingbats and alternate letters and numbers that propose a broad palette of tools to the designer.

The text weights are more closely inspired by both, 19th century slab serifs and scotch roman types. They maintain consistency with the headline styles, and at first glance may appear to have the same shapes only with lower contrast. However, in reality the letter forms of Abril Text were engineered from scratch to achieve a color, texture and overall width that allow using the font comfortably in the most challenging environments for continuous reading, such as newspapers. This also makes it a great font family for pocketbooks and magazines. Abril competes, in terms of economy of space, head to head with some newspaper classics such as Utopia or Nimrod, but featuring a more contemporary look and feel; and unlike them, includes a full set of small caps with numbers and punctuation.

The four main text weights of Abril Text were also manually hinted which grants the possibility of a smooth transition from printed media to web platform.

Abril consists of 8 text styles and 12 display styles, all of them containing the standard TypeTogether character set that supports over 50 languages including those from Central and Northern Europe.
Designers: Veronika Burian, José Scaglione
Publisher: TypeTogether
MyFonts debut: Oct 20, 2011
First release
Last update
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