Abandoned Cart Reminder: Auto Email & RemarketingModule

Abandoned Cart Reminder: Auto Email & RemarketingModule 4.7.5

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Update compatibility with PrestaShop 8.1.6
Module improvements
  • Update compatibility with PrestaShop 8.1.5
  • Module improvements
Update htaccess file when running Apache 2.4
Update compatibility with PrestaShop 8.1.4
Add an option to calculate the email conversion rate
Change the extension of images embedded in emails to .png
Add statistical pie charts for email delivery rate, email open rate, and link click rate in the Dashboard tab and statistics page for each email campaign
Update compatibility with PrestaShop 8.1.4
New option:

Available URL shortcodes for reminder template
Remove the shop logo attachment file when sending an abandoned cart reminder email
  • Fixing "Go to checkout" link for Guest account and when the cookie being deleted
  • Fixed an issue with the IP address when installing the module
  • Fixed an issue where resetting the module caused the email queue to fail, emails could not be sent
  • Correct mail send to customer
  • Correct product price
  • Minor bug fixes in PrestaShop version 1.6.x