Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v8.3
Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.14.2
Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.21
Update: Updated Youzify to v3.5.7
- Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v8.0.1
- Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.14
- Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.20
- Fix: Fixes height of login popup on smaller devices
- Fix: Fixes issue with importer when Activate Plugins option checked
Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v7.9
Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer v2.19
Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.12.4
Update: Updated Youzify to v3.5.4
Fix: Fixes position of dropdown select arrows
Fix: Fixes activity shortcode display when using Youzify Wall 3 column layout
Fix: Prevent empty “s” query_var from running in backend
Fix: Hide post meta on BuddyPress register page
Fix: Fixes redirect issue page if no login page selected
Fix: Fixes text label not showing on menu items with images
Fix: Theme’s bbPress CSS loaded when Youzify bbPress integration disabled
Update: Updated Aardvark to v2.17
Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.18.1
Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.10.1
Update: When Youzify is activated the theme now uses Youzify’s Activity shortcode (this means the theme’s Activity filter options will no longer work)
Update: Added ghostpool_before_login_form, ghostpool_before_register_form and ghostpool_before_lost_password_form actions to add content before forms
Tweak: Updated all references of http to https
Fix: The Image Gallery field would not work correctly when added images without a thumbnail
Fix: Deprecated htmlspecialchars() notice would appear when page setting text fields were empty
Fix: Youzify global notice was getting covered by theme’s header
Fix: Youzify load more button was not working
- Update: WPBakery Page Builder updated to v7.5
- Update: Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder updated to v3.5.0.2
- Update: Youzify updated to v3.49
- Update: LayerSlider updated to v7.9.11
- Tweak: Removed WPP widget from widget demo file
- Tweak: FontAwesome 5 setting now enabled by default on new installations
- Fix: Responsive WPB device sizes were being duplicated upon theme activation
- Fix: Responsive WPB plugin deprecated notices
After updating to BuddyPress 12.0.0 your BuddyPress widgets will be removed from your sidebars. To readd them, install the Classic Widgets and BP Classic plugins and then readd the widgets from Appearance > Widgets.
- Update: WPBakery Page Builder updated to v7.3
- Update: Aardvark Plugin updated to v2.16
- Update: Ultimate Reviewer Plugin updated to v2.17
- Update: LayerSlider updated to v7.9.6
- Update:BuddyPress 12.0.0 compatible
(install BP Classic plugin to use BuddyPress widgets and BuddyPress Who’s Online element)- Fix: Fixed a number of PHP 8.2 deprecated notices
- Fix: Invalid comment schema
- Fix: bbPress login form would open login popup instead of logging in
- Fix: Default logo images were not shown when resetting Theme Options
- Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v7.2
- Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.9.5
- Fix: Animated gradient column was affecting the displaying of WPBakery Page Builder columns on smaller devices
- Fix: Error messages were not showing on registration form
- Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v7.1
- Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.9.1
- Update: Updated Youzify to v3.3.9
- Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.16.1
- Update: Improved appearance of variable products
- Update: Added updated Landing Page LayerSlider export file
- Fix: WooCommerce variable product information was not shown on cart page and cart dropdown
- Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v2.15
- Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v7.0
- Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.7.11
- Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.16
- Update: Updated Responsive for WPB to v3.4.4
- Update: Updated Youzify to v3.3.8
- Update: Can now add icon class and icon color via new options in Heading element
- Fix: Display issues in Original and Hosting demos fixed
- Fix: Inline style tags were added incorrectly in backend
- Fix: Tool tip script not loading correctly in some cases
- Fix: “Poup Window” typo in theme settings
- Fix: style-rtl.css CSS issue
- Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to 6.11.0
- Update: Updated Youzify to 3.3.4
- Update: Updated LayerSlider to 7.7.5
- Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to 2.15
- Fix: Display issues with WooCommerce account page navigation styling on smaller devices
- Fix: Membership and Location BuddyPress profile tabs missing
- Fix: Redundant wp_enqueue_script( ‘ghostpool-typography-field’ )
- Fix: WordPress Spacing should say Word Spacing
- Fix: Incorrect use of quotations around ‘AARDVARK_CORE_VERSION’
- Fix: Styling issues with BuddyPress Member block widget
- Fix: Could not leave text fields empty on Settings page