66toolkit - Ultimate Web Tools System (SAAS)

Nulled 66toolkit - Ultimate Web Tools System (SAAS) 27.0.0 Nulled

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Author baumgartner
Creation date
Implemented the ability to have separate tools categories pages.
Implemented the ability to have tools categories expanded or not.
Implemented the Export to PDF functionality to the frontend app.
All password fields now have a button to toggle the visibility.
CSV & JSON export files are now dynamically named by the title of the page.
Filters are now kept after a successful resource deletion (instead of resetting the filters).
The currency switcher is now only displayed in pages which are related to making payments.
Many other subtle improved visuals in certain parts of the product.
Improve all bootstrap CSS files to generate themselves smaller without unused components.
Fixed issue with Microsoft Login - now it will only work if the user initially created his account with the Microsoft Login feature.
Fixed all chart issues when enabling printing from the browser.
Fixed admin panel printing not being scrollable.
Fixed a few sanitization issues in the backend.
Implemented and released the new Pro Tools plugin - +1,800 new tools.
Implemented the ability to translate plan titles, descriptions from the admin panel.
Implemented more details and capabilities for the SSL Lookup tool.
Implemented Brotli Checker tool.
Implemented Barcode reader tool.
Implemented many new image conversion tools for AVIF TIFF TGA NEF.
Implemented many new time conversion tools that were missing.
Implemented conversion tables for all the unit converter tools for better programmatic SEO.
All image input fields now have a way to remove the selected image file to upload.
Reworked redundant and duplicated code for certain tool categories to be more optimized with less code and less translations.
Improved the HTTP headers lookup tool.
Improved the teams page from the teams plugin to look better and display the total teams.
Improved the menu dropdown logo to automatically change when theme is switched light to dark (or vice versa).
Improved the theme settings in the admin panel to support the Offload plugin.
Numerous other visual consistency cleanups and code optimizations.
404 pages now display a button to the dashboard if a user is logged in.
Easier navigation to the homepage or dashboard from the admin panel sidebar logo.
Fixed issue with code redeeming via the Account redeem page.
Fixed colors accessibility issues on the homepage.
  • Implemented new internal notifications system for users and admins.
  • Implemented internal notifications broadcasts to users from the admin panel.
  • Implemented the ability to customize the whole bootstrap theme colors via the admin panel.
  • Implemented the ability to track broadcasts links clicks, views and show them in a proper new broadcasts statistics page.
  • Implemented the ability to duplicate broadcasts.
  • Implemented the ability to enable/disable the API system completely via the Admin panel.
  • Implemented tooltips over the Create buttons (ex: Link create button) where the usage & limits of your current plans are shown.
  • Implemented welcome emails to freshly registered users.
  • Implemented the ability for the user to specify custom notes for invoices and improved the invoice look.
  • Implemented the ability to force HTTPS requests.
  • Implemented the ability to temporarily lock a user on multiple failed login attempts.
  • Implemented the ability to temporarily lock a user on multiple failed password reset attempts.
  • Implemented the ability to temporarily lock a user on multiple failed resend activation attempts.
  • Implemented the ability to temporarily lock a user on multiple registration attempts.
  • Implemented LinkedIn social login feature.
  • Implemented the ability to only allow social logins registrations.
  • Implemented the ability to allow and display newsletter sign up checkbox on the Registration page.
  • Implemented new broadcasts filtering system by: subscription status, status, plans, source, continents, countries.
  • Implemented caching for all the custom pages and pages categories for higher performance.
  • Implemented caching for all the blog posts & blog categories for higher performance.
  • Implemented caching for plan payment page for higher performance.
  • Implemented intelligent performance optimization that will literally 100x and use less server resources for certain cached pages.
  • Improved the account settings page look.
  • Improved the link statistics pages looks by adding OS and Browser icons.
  • Improved the admin panel dashboard - added online users counter.
  • Improved all the chart looks, speed and animations.
Implemented OpenAI API - Auto translation for the Languages section in the admin panel.
Improved the Admin panel users page - added is_subscribed filter.
Improved the documentation pages with code syntax highlighter for better visuals.
Improved the plans payment switcher button group on the homepage.
Improved the landing page with dynamic animations.
Updated MaxMind City & Country databases for IP detection tracking to the latest versions.
Fixed HTTP headers tool not working properly in some cases.
  • Implemented the new Broadcasts system which allows you to easily send bulk emails to your users.
  • Implemented all megabits to other computer data combinations tools.
  • Implemented HTTP/2 checker tool.
  • Implemented MercadoPago one time payment gateway.
  • Implemented the ability to set a maximum upload size for payment proofs of the Offline Payment type of payments, via the admin panel.
  • Implemented the ability to set the amount of days when the system should send a plan expiry reminder, via the admin panel.
  • Improved the admin panel user dropdown menu in the sidebar with all the available account links.
  • Improved the admin panel codes page to be able to filter redeemed codes and payments.
  • Improved the admin panel taxes page to be able to filter payments based on particular used taxes.
  • Improved YooKassa payment gateway to support the receipt parameter.
  • Fixed bug with similar tools widget not properly showing views number.
  • Fixed index tool searchbar not working properly in some cases.
  • Multiple other code fixes & improvements throughout the product.
Implemented & released the ✉️ Email signatures plugin.
Implemented Projects system to help categorize resources (for email signatures).
Implemented palindrome checker tool.
Implemented RIPEMD128 hash tool.
Implemented RIPEMD160 hash tool.
Implemented RIPEMD256 hash tool.
Implemented RIPEMD320 hash tool.
Implemented teams & teams members statistics, viewable from the admin panel.
Implemented User city & continent tracking, viewable from the admin panel.
Implemented Admin panel statistics for: Continents, Countries & Devices (including visual map).
Implemented Admin panel plan duplication feature.
Implemented user logs city & continent tracking as well.
Implemented caching for plans making certain pages faster.
Updated User API Admin endpoint with all the user details.
Updated Admin User View page to display more user details.
Improved the chart UI when having a lot of dates selected.
Fixed meta checker tool not properly displaying utf8 characters.
Fixed a few translation issues with some image converters.
Fixed plans and invoice pages not using custom decimal and thousand separators.
Make sure to re-configure your plans settings for the new additional domains configuration.
  • Implemented all kibibits to other computer data combinations
  • Implemented all kilobytes to other computer data combinations
  • Implemented the ability to set Meta keywords for blog posts.
  • Implemented the ability to set Meta keywords for individual pages.
  • Implemented the ability to toggle the publishing status for blog posts.
  • Implemented the ability to toggle the publishing status for individual pages.
  • Implemented Order by last updated time filters for all resources.
  • Fully reworked the UI of the admin panel.
  • Fully reworked the UI of the installation, documentation and updating process to match the new admin panel UI.
  • Implemented all kilobits to other computer data combinations
  • Implemented the ability to show/hide the plans section on the homepage.
  • Reworked URL redirection for better UX: When you access a page without being logged in, now you will be able to login and automatically be redirected to your initial requested page.
  • Taxes set from the admin panel can now contain decimals.
  • Reworked all the Yes/No form selectors to switches, for better UX (1 less mouse click).
  • Reworked UI pricing plans for tools.
  • Fixed blog category page bug.
  • Implemented unit converter tools for seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years.
  • Implemented celsius to kelvin converter tool.
  • Implemented fahrenheit to kelvin converter tool.
  • Implemented kelvin to celsius converter tool.
  • Implemented kelvin to fahrenheit converter tool.
  • Implemented date to unix timestamp converter tool.
  • Implemented unix timestamp to date converter tool.
  • Implemented Gravatar checker tool.
  • Implemented email notifications for user deletion.
  • Reworked all tools URL structure for a smaller, easier to write format.
  • New users webhook will now send the source of the user as well.
  • New payments webhook will now send the plan expiration date as well.
  • Implemented the ability to change the user referred by from the admin panel user update page (affiliate plugin only).
  • Cleaned & removed a lot of translations that were similar & duplicated.
  • Registration prompts will not show on the homescreen anymore if the user is logged in.
  • Taxes for payments can now be set with decimals.
  • Fixed Paddle payments bug coming from Paddle changing their API.
  • Fixed copy button not working in some tools.
  • Implemented BMP to WEBP, GIF, ICO, PNG, JPG tools.
  • Implemented GIF to JPG, WEBP, ICO, PNG, BMP tools.
  • Implemented ICO to JPG, GIF, PNG, WEBP, BMP tools.
  • Reworked a few tools, splitted them into multiple tools for SEO purposes.
  • Improved upload type fields: now it will specify the maximum size allowed.
  • Updated some external libraries to their latest versions.
  • Now you can install the product and use it on PHP 8.1 as well (please report if there are any related bugs).
  • Fixed HTML, CSS, JS minifier tools issue.
  • Fixed specific email sending with default webhost settings for Email notifications.
  • Fixed Image Optimizer tool download button not working properly.
  • Multiple code cleanups & improvements throughout the product.