4SEO - joomla seo plugin

4SEO - joomla seo plugin

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Author jessy
Creation date
  • new New Movie structured data rule type
  • new New ProfilePage structured data rule type: use for About us or author profile pages to help search engines understand who's writing on your site
  • chg Reworked accessibility aria markup for all tab switchers
  • chg Allow automatically computed meta description to be used even when Joomla progressive or conservative cache is active
  • chg Removed display of FID metric on Pages page after it's officially removed from Google's Core Web Vitals list
  • chg Multiple changes to account for Google Universal Analytics shutting down permanently on July 1st, 2024. Includes warning on dashboard, stop rendering snippet and inability to add new Universal analytics rules on that date
  • chg Improved aliases data entry: automatically fix missing leading slash and remove website root URL if present. Also block saving when invalid data is present
  • chg Added message suggesting to use the auto-clear notification feature on sites where it's not enabled. Displayed randomly every few notifications.
  • chg Added dashboard notification to apply ProfilePage structured data rules to About us or Author pages
  • chg Make it clearer when connection to Google Search Console was lost and needs to be authorized again
  • chg Updated code to read current user information for future-proofing against Joomla platform changes
  • chg Added some support for J2Store ratings
  • chg Ensure website home address URL is entered as a lower-case string
  • chg Added support for new Offers and CourseInstance properties to the Course structured data type
  • chg If user-provided custom Structured Data code is invalid, do not insert it in the page
  • bug Possible PHP deprecation warning when a structured data rule item has a null value
  • bug Redirecting sh404SEF legacy URLs to Joomla SEF URLs may not work
  • bug Possible PHP warnings if Joomla pagebreak or vote plugins are disabled
  • bug Typing a sub-page address in the browser address bar is sometimes not respected, last sub-page is shown instead
- Windows Defender may sometimes flag 4SEO 5.4.0 as a malware
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- new All rules definitions now have a Notes free text field to log changes and details about the rule
- chg Perf: only load API response handler on API requests
- bug If an error happens when saving an alias to the database, the error message is not logged nor displayed
- bug Possible fatal error when viewing the dashboard Search Console data if no data is cached or present
- bug Sitemap not submitted to Google when submission is triggered manually from the user interface
- bug On the Pages page, long URLs are correctly truncated but cause the icon and the URL to be displayed on 2 lines
- chg Fixed Polish translation for Search Console CTR - thanks Chris
- bug On larger sitemaps, with multiple sitemaps subfiles, some URLs may sometimes not be included
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  • chg 4SEO frontend icon may not be visible on some YooTheme template, added some styles
  • chg Built-in shortcodes are now also replaced in all structured data text fields
  • chg Protect against SEF plugin having option custom domain option filled-in, may cause pages to be considered non-canonical
  • chg Avoid encoding & signs found in invalid URLs when adding them to sitemaps
  • bug Posisble PHP deprecation warning on recent PHP versions when viewing the sitemap (creation of dynamic property)
  • bug Content replacement does not happen if Hn titles protection option is enabled and there are multiple identical Hn titles on the page
  • bug When redirecting a non-SEF URL to its SEF equivalent, if the target is also a non-SEF for some reason, 4SEO should not redirect at all
  • bug Meta description is encoded once too many, causing & sign to be output as &
  • bug Don't try to submit just generated sitemap to Google if not connected to Search Console
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Reactions: lorus
- chg On Broken links page, when the `Errors` selector is active, also show pages that have no error status. Previously, they were only shown when selecting `All`
- bug Core Web Vitals data not stored to database due to addition of INP metric
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- new Sitemaps are now submitted to Google using the Search Console connection, if present. Manual submission also possible from within the Sitemaps page.
- new Redesigned Sitemaps page. When connected to Google Search console, now shows details of sitemaps registered with Google, including pages and images submitted
- new Added content replacer rule option to prevent replacement to happen in title tags content (H1, H2, H3, etc)
- new Added new type of redirect rule, to redirect one or more non-SEF URLs to their SEF version
- new Added support for upcoming `INP` Google Core Web Vitals metric to Performance measurement
- chg Added help text to Aliases page, that they are created using the Aliases tab of any page
- chg Removed some logging instructions that may cause sometimes memory errors
- chg Enforce links protection in replacer rules if replacement is set to Metadata
- chg Added ability to extract images that are lazy-loaded with javascript, reading the image URL by default from the data-src attribute. Also added a filter to add more attributes as needed
- chg For all rules, if `When to run` URL starts with `/index.php?`, the `Disregard query string` is now automatically disabled
- chg When analyzing external pages, do not send the 4SEO security key. If the other site also runs 4SEO, it will respond with a 404 even if the page actually works, because the security cron keys don't match
- bug Notification icon misses a title
- bug Keywords list on Dashboard Google Search Console display is not keyboard-accessible
- bug Text color for red background warnings lacks contrast on small text
- bug When rendering error page on Joomla 4 and 5, some events may not be triggered
- bug Add/refresh page dialog is not full height
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- Accomodate pages where some custom javascript code has been added that includes invalid html tags in text strings, thus breaking cron or performance measurements pixels injection
- Removed use of int(nn) in SQL tables declaration or update
- Suppress button press highlighting by some browser on mobile devices
- Updated ESBuild config to use actual file content hashes (esbuild hashes are not content hashes)
- Added CCBot to , to prevent the CommonCrawl crawler to use your site data to train their model. After the update, you must re-apply the feature for the Common Crawl bots to be added to your robots.txt exclusions
- Added Google-Extended to , to prevent Google Bard and VertexAI bots to use your site data to train their model. After the update, you must re-apply the feature for the Google AI bots to be added to your robots.txt
- Minor tweaks for Joomla 5 compatibility
- Added ability to add translation for new languages, or override existing translations, by dropping a json file in a subdirectory of /libraries/weeblr
- If Joomla Debug system is enabled, 4SEO won't display user-configured error pages anymore
- When customizing a URL in 4SEF, if the custom URL is an existing one, the metadata in 4SEO was lost
- Possible fatal error when using a custom field to configure a structured data date (publication, modification, etc) and a custom date format is in use through modifying DATE_FORMAT_LC* Joomla language strings
- Multipages articles are not properly canonicalized, based on whether the Show All option is enabled or not
- Possible fatal error when using a date custom field for structured data or otherwise, when the output format is personalized in certain ways.
- Inserting a local image into an error page through the editor does not show either in the admin or on the frontend
- Several language files have incorrect translation for button title
- Canonical pages that have been excluded from sitemap by a rule or otherwise can sometimes be put back in the sitemap
- Matomo noscript tag gets a double-slash