Makes the wrapped text bold, italic, underlined, or struck-through.
- Example:
- This is [B]bold[/B] text.
This is [I]italic[/I] text.
This is [U]underlined[/U] text.
This is [S]struck-through[/S] text.
- Output:
This is bold text.
This is italic text.
This is underlined text.
This is struck-through text.
Changes the color, font, or size of the wrapped text.
- Example:
- This is [COLOR=red]red[/COLOR] and [COLOR=#0000cc]blue[/COLOR] text.
This is [FONT=Courier New]Courier New[/FONT] text.
This is [SIZE=1]small[/SIZE] and [SIZE=7]big[/SIZE] text.
- Output:
This is red and blue text.
This is Courier New text.
This is small and big text.
Creates a link using the wrapped text as the target.
Links the wrapped text to the specified web page or email address.
- Example:
- [URL=https://www.example.com]Go to example.com[/URL]
[[email protected]]Email me[/EMAIL]
- Output:
Links to a user's profile. This is generally inserted automatically when mentioning a user.
- Example:
- [USER=1]Username[/USER]
- Output:
Display an image, using the wrapped text as the URL.
- Example:
- [IMG]https://nullpro.net/data/assets/logo/metalogo.png[/IMG]
- Output:
Embeds media from approved sites into your message. It is recommended that you use the media button in the editor tool bar.
Approved sites:
Apple Music,
- Example:
- [MEDIA=youtube]kQ0Eo1UccEE[/MEDIA]
- Output:
- An embedded YouTube player would appear here.
Displays a bulleted or numbered list.
- Example:
- [LIST]
[*]Bullet 1
[*]Bullet 2
[*]Entry 1
[*]Entry 2
- Output:
Changes the alignment of the wrapped text.
- Example:
- [LEFT]Left-aligned[/LEFT]
- Output:
Displays text that has been quoted from another source. You may also attribute the name of the source.
- Example:
- [QUOTE]Quoted text[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=A person]Something they said[/QUOTE]
- Output:
Hides text that may contain spoilers so that it must be clicked by the viewer to be seen.
- Example:
- [SPOILER]Simple spoiler[/SPOILER]
[SPOILER=Spoiler Title]Spoiler with a title[/SPOILER]
- Output:
Allows you to display text inline among normal content which hides text that may contain spoilers and must be clicked by the viewer to be seen.
- Example:
- You have to click the following [ISPOILER]word[/ISPOILER] to see the content.
- Output:
You have to click the following word to see the content.
Displays text in one of several programming languages, highlighting the syntax where possible.
- Example:
- General code:
Rich code:
PHP code:
[CODE=php]echo $hello . ' world';[/CODE]
JS code:
[CODE=javascript]var hello = 'world';[/CODE]
- Output:
General code:
Rich code:
PHP code:
JS code:
Allows you to display code inline among normal post content. Syntax will not be highlighted.
- Example:
- Inline code sections [ICODE]are a convenient way[/ICODE] of displaying code inline.
Rich formatting within inline code sections [ICODE=rich]is [COLOR=red]also[/COLOR] [U]supported[/U][/ICODE].
- Output:
Inline code sections are a convenient way
of displaying code inline.
Rich formatting within inline code sections is also supported
Indents the wrapped text. This can be nested for larger indentings.
- Example:
- Regular text
[INDENT]Indented text[/INDENT]
[INDENT=2]More indented[/INDENT]
- Output:
Regular text
Indented text
More indented
Special markup to display tables in your content.
- Example:
[TH]Header 1[/TH]
[TH]Header 2[/TH]
[TD]Content 1[/TD]
[TD]Content 2[/TD]
- Output:
Header 1 | Header 2 |
Content 1 | Content 2 |
Marks text as a structured heading to facilitate machine readability.
- Example:
- [HEADING=1]Major heading[/HEADING]
This text comes under a major heading, used to separate the primary sections of an article.
[HEADING=2]Minor heading[/HEADING]
When you need to subdivide the primary sections of an article, use a level 2 minor heading.
If you require additional subdivision, you may drop to level 3.
- Output:
Major heading
This text comes under a major heading, used to separate the primary sections of an article.
Minor heading
When you need to subdivide the primary sections of an article, use a level 2 minor heading.
If you require additional subdivision, you may drop to level 3.
Disables BB code translation on the wrapped text.
- Example:
- [PLAIN]This is not [B]bold[/B] text.[/PLAIN]
- Output:
This is not [B]bold[/B] text.
Inserts an attachment at the specified point. If the attachment is an image, a thumbnail or full size version will be inserted. This will generally be inserted by clicking the appropriate button.
- Example:
Thumbnail: [ATTACH]123[/ATTACH]
Full size: [ATTACH=full]123[/ATTACH]
- Output:
- The contents of the attachments would appear here.
Charging users to view your content.
- Example:
- [CHARGE=5]It costs 5 credits to see this text.[/CHARGE]
- Output:
It costs 5 credits to see this text.
The information inside the code is displayed only to members of the club.
- Example:
- [CLUB]Hello World![/CLUB] - Hidden text for club members
- Output:
- Hidden text for club members
Number of days from the date of registration on the forum, which the user needs to be able to view
- Example:
- [DAYS=5]Hello World![/DAYS] - Only registered users who are registered not earlier than 5 days ago are displayed.
- Output:
- Only registered users who are registered not earlier than 5 days ago are displayed.
The tag hides content from people who are not members of X,Y,Z user groups.
- Example:
- [GROUPS=2]Hello World![/GROUPS] - Displayed only for group members with ID 2.
- Output:
Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of: Register Member
- Displayed only for group members with ID 2.
Tag [HIDE] is used for hidden content. If [HIDE=(condition)] is specified, the condition will be applied to the hidden content. Note: After the = sign, you must enclose the conditions in parentheses to indicate the start and end of condition processing. Inside, you can use any condition grouping.
Allowed expressions (tags):
- posts: Number of user posts.
- likes: User reaction count.
- reactions: User reaction count (same as likes).
- trophies: Number of user trophies.
- days: Number of days since user registration.
- isMemberOf(id): User group, for multiple groups you can use comma-separated values.
- username: User's username.
- user_id: User's identifier.
- user_state: User's state.
- is_staff: Flag indicating whether the user is a staff member.
- is_admin: Flag indicating whether the user is an administrator.
- is_moderator: Flag indicating whether the user is a moderator.
Allowed operators:
Arithmetic operators:
Arithmetic operators are used for performing mathematical calculations:
- +
- -
- *
- /
- % (modulus)
- ** (exponentiation)
Comparison operators:
Comparison operators are used for comparing values and returning a boolean result:
- == (equal to)
- === (strictly equal to)
- != (not equal to)
- !== (strictly not equal to)
- < (less than)
- > (greater than)
- <= (less than or equal to)
- >= (greater than or equal to)
Logical operators:
Logical operators are used for performing logical operations and returning a boolean result:
- and or && (logical AND)
- or or || (logical OR)
- not or ! (logical NOT)
Bitwise operators:
Bitwise operators are performed on binary representations of numbers:
- & (bitwise AND)
- | (bitwise OR)
- ^ (bitwise XOR)
String operators:
The ~ operator is used for string concatenation:
Array operators:
Array operators are used for checking element membership in an array:
- in (element present in array)
- not in (element not present in array)
Numeric operators:
The .. operator is used to create a range of numbers:
Ternary operator:
The ?: operator is used to perform conditional operations in a single line:
- Example:
- [HIDE]Hello World![/HIDE] - only registered users see the hidden text
[HIDE=(posts > 1 or likes > 1)]Hello world![/HIDE] - The hidden text "Hello world!" will be displayed if the number of user posts is greater than 1 OR the number of likes is greater than 1.
[HIDE=(posts > 1 and likes > 1)]Hello world![/HIDE] - The hidden text "Hello world!" will be displayed if the number of user posts is greater than 1 AND the number of likes is greater than 1.
[HIDE=(days > 1 or user_state == "valid")]Hello World![/HIDE] - The hidden text "Hello World!" will be displayed if the number of days since user registration is greater than 1 OR the user state is "valid".
[HIDE=(isMemberOf(2) or trophies >= 0)]Hello World![/HIDE] - The hidden text "Hello World!" will be displayed if the user is a member of group 2 OR the number of user trophies is greater than or equal to 0.
[HIDE=(is_staff)]Hello World![/HIDE] - The hidden text "Hello World!" will be displayed if the user is a staff member.
- Output:
View hidden content is available for registered users!
- only registered users see the hidden text
message > 1 (0) or like > 1 (0)
- The hidden text "Hello world!" will be displayed if the number of user posts is greater than 1 OR the number of likes is greater than 1.
message > 1 (0) and like > 1 (0)
- The hidden text "Hello world!" will be displayed if the number of user posts is greater than 1 AND the number of likes is greater than 1.
day > 1 (0) or User state is "valid" (valid)
Hello World!
- The hidden text "Hello World!" will be displayed if the number of days since user registration is greater than 1 OR the user state is "valid".
Member group(s): Register Member or points >= 0 (0)
Hello World!
- The hidden text "Hello World!" will be displayed if the user is a member of group 2 OR the number of user trophies is greater than or equal to 0.
- The hidden text "Hello World!" will be displayed if the user is a staff member.
This BB code hides content from users who have not reached a specified age.
- Example:
- [hideuserage=18]This content is only visible to users who are at least 18 years old.[/hideuserage]
- Output:
Number of likes on the forum, which the user needs to be able to view
- Example:
- [LIKES=5]Hello World![/LIKES] - Displayed only registered users whose number of reactions on the forum is greater than or equal to 5.
- Output:
- Displayed only registered users whose number of reactions on the forum is greater than or equal to 5.
Number of posts on the forum, which the user needs to be able to view
- Example:
- [POSTS=5]Hello World![/POSTS] - Displays users who have 5 or more posts on the forum.
- Output:
- Displays users who have 5 or more posts on the forum.
Hidden text for which you need to select a specific reaction
- Example:
- [REACTS=1]Hello World![/REACTS] - displayed for those who clicked the 'Like' reaction.
- Output:
- displayed for those who clicked the 'Like' reaction.
Hidden text until the user answers the thread.
- Example:
- [REPLY]Hello World![/REPLY] - Displayed to users when they reply to the thread.
- Output:
- Displayed to users when they reply to the thread.
Hidden text until the user responds to the thread and clicks Like on this message.
- Example:
- [REPLYANDTHANKS]Hello World![/REPLYANDTHANKS] - It is displayed to users when they reply to the thread and click "I like".
- Output:
- It is displayed to users when they reply to the thread and click "I like".
Hidden text until the user responds to the thread or clicks Like on this message.
- Example:
- [REPLYTHANKS]Hello World![/REPLYTHANKS] - It is displayed to users when they reply to the thread or click "I like".
- Output:
- It is displayed to users when they reply to the thread or click "I like".
Hidden text by the number of resources
- Example:
- [RESOURCE=5]Hello World![/RESOURCE] - 5 resources are required to view hidden content by resource.
- Output:
- 5 resources are required to view hidden content by resource.
This tag hides the text until the user clicks the Like button in the message.
- Example:
- [THANKS]Hello World![/THANKS] - This tag hides the text until the user clicks the Like button in the message.
- Output:
- This tag hides the text until the user clicks the <b>Like button</b> in the message.
Number of trophies on the forum, which the user needs to be able to view
- Example:
- [TROPHIES=5]Hello World![/TROPHIES] - It is displayed only to registered users, the number of points for trophies on the forum which is greater than or equal to 5.
- Output:
- It is displayed only to registered users, the number of points for trophies on the forum which is greater than or equal to 5.
Hides the text from users, except for the parameters listed in the list of BB-code.
- Example:
- [USERS=Alex,John,Bryan]Hello World![/USERS] - Displayed only by user Alex, John, Bryan.
- Output:
- Displayed only by user Alex, John, Bryan.
Hides the text from users that is listed in the list of parameters of the BB-code.
- Example:
- [USERSEXC=Alex,John,Bryan]Hello World![/USERSEXC] - Displayed to all users except Alex, John, Bryan.
- Output:
- Displayed to all users except Alex, John, Bryan.
Hides the text from users by id, except for the parameters listed in the list of BB-code.
- Example:
- [USERIDS=1,2,3]Hello World![/USERIDS] - Appears only for users with ids 1, 2, 3.
- Output:
[USERIDS=1,2,3]Hello World![/USERIDS] - Appears only for users with ids 1, 2, 3.
Hides the text from users by id that are listed in the list of parameters of the BB-code.
- Example:
- [USERSIDEXC=1,2,3]Hello World![/USERSIDEXC] - Appears only for all users except with ids 1, 2, 3.
- Output:
- Appears only for all users except with ids 1, 2, 3.